Post-Diagnostic Support Group – July Minutes

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the fourth Post-Diagnostic Support Group
8th July 2015

 Today’s group was attended by 17 people.

Items discussed were:

Feedback was given by Calvin and Linda for the conference they recently attended at St Andrews Healthcare on Autism and the Internet.

Calvin asked the group for feedback as to whether 3D is worth viewing for each film. It was collectively decided that 3D was not worth it and many attendees preferred 2D viewings.

Linda donated several books to Autism Inclusive and passed to David Reiser, including a DVD and book recently obtained when Calvin and Linda attended the NAS Chester Branch Annual General Meeting where they heard Alex Lowery talk.

Our conference was then discussed and Carly expressed to the group that places need to be booked through Carly to secure a place. Various members of the group expressed concerns of professionals attending. Any concerns people have regarding particular professionals attending are to email their concerns to Carly.

The book was then discussed and it was decided to “invigorate” this at our conference. It was also suggested by Carly to welcome people to write chapters on whichever topic they wish to. Gary suggested that each chapter has a summary at the end so that similarities and differences can be seen easily between each individual’s story. Carly and Dream to write a post for the website to welcome ideas.

The main focus of today’s group was Employment. Linda advised that at the recent conference she attended there were talks provided by Workforce and an organisation called Specialisterne. In particular this organisation is welcoming people with Autism to apply for roles within their organisation. This person did say at the conference that they would welcome receiving CVs specifically for people skilled in I.T. For further details please contact Carly.

Linda asked for contributions from the group as to future topics. The next topic for our August meeting is Housing. Linda suggested to the group that the topic for our September group would be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. October Elspeth Bromiley is hoping to attend to discuss a co-production package of post-diagnostic support. This leaves November without a topic. Megan suggested Coping with Christmas as a topic and other items were also suggested including:

  • Shopping (e.g. Using stores, online shopping, being in public)
  • Benefits – What benefits people are entitled to – JSA, ESA, DLA, UC. Possible guest speaker?
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Co-Morbid – Managing stress, compulsions, structure, routine, coping mechanisms
  • Medication and Myths of “Miracle Cures” – Guide to anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, anti-convulsive medication and people’s experiences and how to deal with pharmacists and Doctors.
  • Insomnia – Guide to types of sleep disorder, coping mechanisms, etc.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Terms, explanations, medications, coping mechanisms
  • More Guest Speakers?

Should anyone wish to add to this list please email Carly on

Megan provided feedback on participating in Professor Francesca Happe’s Research Project which took place in London and was around 3-5 hours. She also spoke of her new voluntary role within “Ambitious About Autism” as a Youth Patron.



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2 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group – July Minutes
  1. Ronnie Hunt says:

    A very good meeting .I think one of the best meetings,but Employment or perhaps I should say Unemployment is going to remain a very serious problem for us people with Autism for many years to come,including when we are not in one of many recession periods which happen under capitalism.

    • Anna says:

      Remploy might be a good place to contact about employment tips too. They’re working with the NAS so they can help individuals with Autism and Asperger’s into the workplace. They can sometimes offer courses, help with building CVs, applying/looking for a job and coping with the interviewing processes.

      They have branches in both Crewe and Chester if it’s of any use to anyone?

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