Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – February 2016

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Tenth Post-Diagnostic Support Group
24th February 2016

Today’s group was attended by 23 people.

Items discussed were:

Welcome and Introductions by the group.

Linda then discussed that it is a time of change. We will be changing the venue as of 4 May 2016. Carly explained to the group the new venue and facilities and the fact we will be visiting the new site straight after our next group and people welcome to join us. Ronnie gave his concerns about the other groups possibly being distracting and Carly explained a proper partition wall separates the room when required. Carly also advised more parking will be available and free of charge if using the leisure centre, a ticket would need to be collected from reception for this.

Linda then went on to give her experience of our last visit to the new site having to wear hard hat and health and safety equipment. She advised how this made her non-verbal and ill for quite some time after.

Discussion took place and it was advised that if the new room is not “fit for purpose” alternative venues will be considered.

Linda then went on to discuss our future conference for 2017. Carly advised the group that we had received 6 responses to our survey and Linda asked the group if this was because the question was too big It was decided that Axia ASD Ltd would discuss in more detail at their meeting on 20 April 2016 and create another survey with more directive questions and ask for votes instead.

Linda then went on to say that in relation to it being a time of change, Axia ASD Ltd is expanding. The team now consists of Linda, Elspeth Bromiley as our Head of Therapy and Post-Diagnostic Support, Dr Amandip (Dip) Bahia who is another diagnostician working three Friday’s per month, Carly, Gail, Cal and Dream. In addition, David Reiser will be working closely with Axia ASD Ltd providing speech and language therapy assessments.

Linda explained each individual’s role and background and how this expansion has come about. Linda also advised the group that her work will continue as normal, 4 clinic days per week mainly focusing on diagnosis.

Linda then introduced Elspeth to the group and the content of future sessions was then discussed. Luke Beardon will be joining 4 May group and Barbara Green will be joining 30 March.

Els then went on to discuss conducting post-diagnostic support in the sessions in 5 sessions in total covering:

  • What does the diagnosis mean?
  • Impacts on systems around individual
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • Benefits and legal positions
  • Understanding Neurotypicals

Group discussion took place as to whether 30-15 minute individual slots could be provided, emergency slots, using the existing knowledge of longstanding members of the group to new attendees.

Els then explained what systemic therapy is.

The group then wrote down on post it notes why they came to the group, what they were expecting and what they were hoping for. Linda and Els to conduct thematic analysis and feed back to group at a future session.

A member of the group said they were unsure how to engage with our service. Group discussed and it was agreed that it would be helpful to have a wallet sized card which provided details of our website, Facebook and Twitter as well as Autism Alert Card. Carly to design and provide to future group.

We realise we did not present fully the discussion regarding Autism Alert cards.

Just to say we did discuss the ChAPS Attention Card and how to obtain one and David Reiser explained why the process was somewhat different to the National Autistic Society one and the fact that the data was held on Cheshire Police’s Intelligence Data System.

Several members of the group also requested that Axia ASD Ltd perhaps had their own card that they could give out routinely and we are going to look into this.

We therefore want to offer people the choice of the three different cards.

ACTION – Carly to put a link up on our website regarding ChAPS card.

Click HERE for ChAPS Card Link

ACTION – Carly to ring National Autistic Society to see if we can obtain any free Autism Alert cards for our clients.

An attendee thanked Dream for his contribution to today’s group, giving his perspective and experience.

Group was also advised that presentations from our previous conference were still available to view on the website.

Our next monthly post-diagnostic support group will take place on Wednesday 30 March 2016 between 1pm and 3pm at Crewe Library. As stated above, people are welcome to join us in visiting the new venue directly after the group on this date.

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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