Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – January 2016

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Ninth Post-Diagnostic Support Group
20th January 2016

Today’s group was attended by 28 people.

Items discussed were:

Linda asked each of the attendees to introduce themselves to the group.

Linda then handed over several books to Autism Inclusive and advised of reviews available on our website. For people wishing to read books, donations would be gratefully received by Autism Inclusive for the loan of books.

James (Trustee of Autism Inclusive) explained to the group along with David Reiser the purpose of Autism Inclusive and James handed out leaflets to each attendee which detail all the weekly services provided by them.

Carly then advised the group of the forthcoming change of venue and explained the reason for the uncertainty of future dates. Carly advised that the next two group session (24 February and 30 March) will take place in the current venue (Crewe Library) and we are awaiting confirmation of the availability of the room in the new Lifestyle Centre before we advertise the remaining sessions for 2016. Please continue to check our website for updates regarding this.

Esra Zivrali then spoke to the group about the three Research projects she is involved with as part of her PhD Thesis. 4 participants are required for the first project and many participants are still required for the third project which is a project focusing on grandparents of children and/or adults who have been diagnosed at whatever age with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This is a postal project whereby questionnaires are sent to grandparents, completed and returned in the freepost envelope provided.

Esra then took questions from the group. Megan spoke positively of her experience in participating in the Research projects.

Linda then asked the group for any contributions/comments they wished to make. A discussion took place regarding banter/political correctness and about people without Autism Spectrum Disorder also getting it wrong. In addition, a discussion took place about the difference between banter and bullying and knowing which was which.

Calvin informed the group of an American programme entitled “What Would You Do” which the group may find interesting.

Linda then asked the group their thoughts on the next Axia ASD Conference. Linda began by explaining what the focus of our previous conference was (presentations and videos available to view on our website) and then discussed the possible content for any future conferences.

It was decided that Carly would create a survey through survey monkey to invite people to contribute their thoughts on the purpose of a conference and following Caroline’s helpful suggestion ask people:

“from their positive and negative experiences what do you think needs to change in order to better the lives of people with Autism”.

Ronnie asked that the date for the 2017 conference be set by the March meeting.

Linda then discussed with the group the future monthly post-diagnostic groups and the focus/purpose of these. James requested for a particular focus on Insomnia at one of the future groups.

Our next monthly post-diagnostic support group will take place on Wednesday 24 February 2016 between 11am and 1pm at Crewe Library.

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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