Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – March 2016

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Eleventh Post-Diagnostic Support Group
30th March 2016

Today’s group was attended by 29 people.

Items discussed were:

Linda explained to the group the recent expansion of Axia ASD Ltd. Dr Amandip Bahia (Dip) starts with us on 1 April 2016 and providing three days per month for diagnostic assessments. Elspeth Bromiley is our Head of Therapy and Post-Diagnostic Support and has already been funded by three different Clinical Commissioning Groups to see clients.

Linda also explained to the group that we currently have a ten week waiting list which is within NICE Guidelines.

Dream informed the group about a project we are currently working on regarding Autism Alert Cards.

Linda then informed the group of a recent presentation both Linda and Elspeth delivered at Ashfields Primary Care Centre with which we received very positive feedback from.

Linda then spoke about recent books purchased and asked if any member of the group would feel able to review. Two books were passed to members of the group (Susie and Peter) and others were given to Autism Inclusive where you can borrow these books for free but please be mindful Autism Inclusive is a Charity and any donations would be gratefully received.

Cal then informed the group of a new campaign due to start on Friday 1 April 2016 by the National Autistic Society entitled “Too Much Information”. Full details have been posted on our website (here).

Contributions were then invited from the group. Helen advised she had recently read the Nine Degrees of Autism and found it helped her to understand herself and was very positive. Neil informed the group of his feedback regarding recent programmes raising awareness of Autism. Martin then informed the group he considers Autism to be more like a Terrain rather than a Spectrum.

Barbara Green then joined the group and delivered a presentation regarding the Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Care Act 2014. We hope to share slides with you from this presentation in the near future.

Main points were:

  • New Mental Health Act Code of Practice
  • The Bournewood Case (4 minute film available on YouTube)
  • Process for assessing capacity available on Local Authority websites
  • Online standard letter produced by Irwin Mitchell and Mencap
  • Mark Neary (story available online)
  • The Care Act 2014 replaces nine pieces of legislation. First part came into effect on 1 April 2015, second part postponed until 2020.
  • Legally able to ask Local Authority for an Assessment of Need under the Care Act 2014
  • Definition of a Carer – “An adult who provides or intends to provide care for another adult”
  • Section 10 – Duty to Assess
  • Section 12 – Family Needs
  • Section 20 – Duty to Provide
  • The importance of thinking about making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) which can be done online

Barbara advised the group she would amend the information slide to be relevant to Chester and we will share this once received.

MIND offer a free legal advice helpline.

Our next monthly post-diagnostic support group will take place on Wednesday 4 May 2016 between 11am and 1pm at the new Lifestyle Centre.

Further details will be posted in April.


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2 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – March 2016
  1. Linda Buchan says:

    Thanks to Barbara for sharing her time and knowledge with us

  2. Ronnie Hunt says:

    Barbara Green gave a very interesting presentation on various care acts from 1983, 2005 and 2014. Barbara Green obviously had much empathy with her subject.
    After the meeting went to the Lifestyle Centre to look at the new venue which is spacious. A partition is available to divide the 2 rooms.Because the venue room is so spacious I think it would be fine if the partition was shut for all meetings making for a more private meeting. I like the new venue which is in a very good location and think it will work out.

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