Professor Tony Attwood – Autism in Females
from Healthed on Vimeo
Hi Carly,This is about 30minutes long and has a few streaming hiccups which sort themselves out very quickly without any intervention from the viewer.I enjoyed it, not having actually seen Tony Attwood speak before, he’s got a great way of keeping things light but telling it how it is.So I wondered if it might be suitable at all for the Axia Facebook page?
I hope the link comes through ok.I hope very much that all are well.Kindest regards,Helen Jones
Guest Contributor
Professor Tony Attwood – Autism in Females from Healthed on Vimeo.
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Thank you for sharing this Helen, I hadn’t seen it, and found it fascinating. Personally, I think there are a lot of overlaps between the “male” and “female” so called “profiles”, as I resonate with quite a number of the “feminine traits” whilst also displaying a number of the “masculine traits”.
As/For my Self I found it very interesting, and I don’t think it should be limited to women to watch this.
I’m delighted that you found this worth watching Dream and wholeheartedly agree with you in that the traits of autism should not be boxed into female and male “issues”, so I do hope that many of the Axia members watch and gain from this.
Kindest Regards
Thank you for sharing this Helen. I found it extremely interesting and have passed the link to my daughter who has ASD and also my partner who works in a girls school as a counsellor.
Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the group yesterday but I always check to see what people have shared.
Thanks again,
I’m really pleased that this video was of interest to you Neil and it’s great news that you have passed the link on.
These gems seem few and far between unfortunately; however Dream also found a truly excellent video about Tony Attwood himself which I found fascinating and an invaluable insight into the man and his family.
I will put a post on this site to ask Dream if he might be able to kindly put a link to this video so that you can access it. I highly recommend it.
Kindest regards.
Hi Helen,
If it is the video I think you mean, it’s already posted on the site https://axia-asd.co.uk/professor-tony-attwood-uploaded-abc-news-australia/
Nice nattering Wednesday 🙂
All the best,
Hi Dream
A massive THANK YOU, you are amazing. Got there before I’d even asked
I must admit that I sometimes find it a little difficult to navigate the t’interweb so I’m most grateful for this.
I was very pleased to be able to say a proper hello on Wednesday, even though I was slightly dumbed down following the train journey!
A question (please) – there was talk of the possible meeting of people at the Forest Group ( Wrexham way), also possibilities for people at the “Other “ Autism group in Crewe.
So at the back of my mind is, wouldn’t it be (or could it be) beneficial to meet up with other Asperger people from our group, closer to home, in between our Axia meetings? Just to have a coffee and see a fellow kindred spirit.
But how on earth could that be organised? And could it be potentially dangerous as it would be outside the Axia cloak of comfort.?
I think I’m thinking out loud, but sometimes it’s quite a lonely path, in between the Axia meetings.
Any thoughts would be valued, as always. However I completely understand and accept if this rambling is ignored.
My very kindest regards, always.
Hi Helen,
Thank you for your kind words, although I’m not so up to date with this “t’interweb” stuff my Self, but currently appear able to still navigate these strange waters! {chuckle}
I also apologise for not noticing your feeling the train journey had “dumbed you down”, I was a little more confused than sometimes and you “appeared” much more “together” than I was feeling!
In answer to your question, yes, I’m sure it could be beneficial for some people to meet up with others from the group in between PDSG meetings and closer to home, and no it wouldn’t have the “Axia cloak of comfort” (very nice way of putting it!), and yes, from my perspective it could be potentially dangerous (especially as I’m now aware I may be considered a “vulnerable adult”).
But that said, life is dangerous!!! Even waking up can kill you (waking up releases stress hormones which on occasion can induce a cardiac arrest, hence most heart attacks occur in the morning), so if I survive waking I can weigh-up “real vs imagined” dangers and decide when and how to “act cautiously”.
I did meet someone after my friends funeral who wanted to see me. Neither of us like visitors so we met in a local public cafe, which seemed like a reasonable precaution, and nothing bad happened!
Anywayz, just my thoughts and experience.
Best wishes and safe journeys to thee and thine,
Hi Dream
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response. I’ve actually been able to consider what I was thinking of trying to make happen, and thankfully have come to my senses.
For me, it could be potential disaster and why on earth would I walk towards that, when I’ve done it in the past!
I guess I am learning, with help from others
Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to discuss it, it really helped a lot.
Kindest regards