SPACE4AUTISM – Free Fun Day & Viewing

Invite you to a free
with a joint new venture called
“Brain Space”
Saturday 19th August 2017 1-4pm
Address: The Quarry Stables, Moorside Lane,
off Bakestonedale Rd, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RZ
(if you need transport please let us know)
We are having a fun day for the whole family including our adults with ASC to come to this beautiful setting at Pott Shrigley to let us know how you would like us and a new venture called “Brain Space” can use this wonderful outdoor facility.
We will be having nature walks, treasure hunts, bouncy castle, painting, workshops, hay play in the barn, sensory play, Yoga, BBQ and lots of games and activities for every age.
We will be asking all those who attend for your thoughts on this new venture and how you see this facility making a difference to your lives.
If you would like to come along please email Space4autism with how many adults/children will be attending as we have limited space on this activity.
Note: places are free but the BBQ and refreshments will be at a small cost.
Space4Autism, 1b Lowe St, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7NJ
Charity Nos: 1141860

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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