Tackling Loneliness at Christmas – You In Mind

It’s thought that over 9 million people in the UK are often or always lonely. Many people feel even lonelier at Christmas.
It can be a very difficult time for older people who have lost loved ones or live away from their family but its reported that younger people often feel more lonely than those in later life.

It is important to try to understand what’s making you feel lonely, what can you do to tackle it, and know you are not the only person to feel lonely at Christmas.

What to do if you’re on your own at Christmas

  1. Make a plan of activities – Schedule your time and fill out your day with different activities you enjoy. You might decide to read a book you’ve wanted to read for ages
  2. Get outside – lots of areas organise a Christmas day park run which is great way to meet others and get out of the house. Or simply go for a walk.
  3. Make it special – Treat yourself to your favourite drink, food or snacks so you can have a few of your favourite things on the day.
  4. Get together with others – If you know other people who are also spending Christmas alone you could suggest that you get together and meet up as a group.
  5. Give back – You could consider volunteering for a local charity or for a befriending service.

There are numerous groups and organisations on our platform that offer drop in services or opportunities to meet others going through similar experiences.

From everyone at You In Mind we wish you the very best this festive period.

You in mind

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