The rebranding of the NAS

Why we’ve rebranded

Our ambassador, Chris Packham, our President, Jane Asher, and our CEO, Mark Lever, talk about our new look, vision and mission.

The National Autistic Society was founded 56 years ago, and since then we’ve changed what we say and how we look many times. We do this so autistic people and their families understand what we do and our charity’s purpose. We also change because understanding about autism is ever evolving, in part thanks to the many successes we’ve achieved with your help in changing attitudes among the public, businesses and the government. 

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One comment on “The rebranding of the NAS
  1. Ronnie Hunt says:

    Renewing Membership was a Horrible Ordeal with a Slow answer phone not suitable for Aspergers Syndrome. When got through eventually a Slow horrible Process even put on hold for a long time towards the end of the Call when all the details had been given and Only then after they had typed in the details did they take payment, making for a Slow, Painful,Stressful, Unfriendly and Unhelpful Call
    Was like speaking to a Comercial Organisation that had no understanding of the Problems some People with Aspergers Syndrome have on the Telephone.

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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