We have been working increasingly with the National Autistic Society in recent times, and continue to share with you their monthly newsletter (see below). You can sign up for email updates from the NAS by visiting https://www.autism.org.uk/ and scrolling down to the bottom of the screen, then filling in the form.You may remember some time ago we asked for new ideas for the room previously known as the blue room. The blue room was known as such due to the colour of the chairs being blue. However we’ve replaced those chairs with ones which can be cleaned much more scrupulously.We’ve had a number of suggestions which we’ve put to the vote, and the new room is now called “Spectroom”!
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.
Coronavirus: guidance and resources
We know many autistic people and their families have concerns about the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re here for you and have developed resources and handy top tips for dealing with its impact.
We are really pleased that the Government has listened to the voices of autistic people and their families and amended national guidance on how often some people can leave their home during the coronavirus outbreak. Read this and more of the latest updates on topics including, health, social care and education.
You will also find real life examples of challenges autistic people and their families are facing as well as more details of how we can help.
Spectrum live
We are pleased to announce a series of Spectrum Live episodes which will be pre-recorded and hosted on our Facebook page. We’ll be starting with Coronavirus, health and wellbeing on the 29 April.
As with all other Spectrum Live events, there will be a question and answer section, however the episodes will be pre-recorded so please send in your questions now.
The 2.6 challenge
Join the nation in supporting the UK’s charity sector by taking on a simple challenge and asking family and friends to do the same. From running 2.6 miles to hosting a quiz with 26 questions, pick anything with the theme of 2.6 or 26, share on social media and make a donation to support our charity. Why not do it this Sunday 26 April, when we’d have been cheering on our fantastic Team Autism London Marathon runners?
NICE clarifies how guideline on critical care applies to autistic people
After our charity and others shared their concerns the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has updated its guidance for hospitals and doctors about when to send people who are ill with coronavirus to “critical care” wards. The amendment makes clear that doctors should be providing individualised assessments for autistic people.
My health passport
My health passport is a resource for autistic people who might need hospital treatment. The passport is now editable and has been designed to help autistic people to communicate their needs to doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. It was developed by Baroness Angela Browning – a National Autistic Society Vice President – in collaboration with the National Autistic Society.
Make a difference and join our team
Find out what it’s like to be a support worker and read about the creative team in Neath who have made a replica McDonald’s to help the autistic people they support get through the coronavirus lockdown.
We are urgently recruiting support workers in our adult services and you can now fast track your application by sending your CV directly to one of the email addresses listed on our recruitment page
Thank you
Thank you to every single person who got involved in World Autism Awareness Week 2020! To see our supporters continue with their fundraising, despite the challenges the coronavirus has caused, has been incredible to watch. But it doesn’t stop here, we need your help more than ever before, see how you can make a difference.

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