Tuesday 9th June – Update

Another busy day here at Axia, with five clinicians carrying out assessments.
Some of you may remember reading our ‘Service Adaptations’ article which was included in our update of 2nd June 2020. This was an article produced by Dr Hannah Williamson to outline the changes we had made to allow us to continue operating during the COVID-19 crisis. We are pleased to announce that this has been published by ‘The Parliamentary Review’ and can be viewed here.
Thanks again to Hannah for all of her hard work on this.
As you may also notice from the photograph on the article, alongside me is my niece Amy-Louise who left us after becoming a mother and also to pursue a career in Paediatric Nursing. She was recently offered the opportunity to complete a combined course which also includes Child Mental Health Nursing; she has made the decision to take advantage of this and we wish her the best of luck in her studies.
We would also like acknowledge the continued hard work both Renwick Bromiley, currently completing his Mental Health Nursing degree, and Sarah Chierico, who is on placement with us whilst completing her Occupational Therapy training. They are both a pleasure to work with and bring so much to Axia.
Today, we were also delighted to welcome Suzanne Roberts from ADDvanced Solutions, who are a well established Community Network group covering the Liverpool and Sefton area. They have been commissioned to offer post diagnostic support to families who have been referred to us from Alder Hey. Suzanne will be joining us every Tuesday to meet with families following their assessment and begin their programme of ongoing support.
You can find out more about ‘ADDvanced Solutions’ here: http://www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk
Calvin and Ren will be streaming later, as usual, at 7:30pm. They both are both hopeful that this will be the last ‘Spyro 3’. We wish them the best of luck!
Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.

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