Urgent: invite your MP to attend debate – NAS

Invite your MP to speak out on autism diagnosis delays

This Monday, there will be a debate in Parliament about the long waiting lists for an autism assessment.

This is our opportunity to get MPs talking about an issue that impacts hundreds of thousands of autistic people and their families.

We don’t have much time though – the debate is in less than a week! Let your MP know that they should be there by emailing them an invitation now.

If you or someone you know has had an autism assessment, you will know how long and frustrating the process can be. It can take months, even years. Meanwhile, those waiting for a diagnosis are missing out on the support they need to navigate work, school, relationships and everyday life.

The guidance is clear – no-one should wait longer than three months between being referred and first being seen. But this isn’t happening and the situation is only getting worse. Right now, over 120,000 people are waiting for an autism assessment in England – this has increased by almost 40% in just one year.

This is your chance to tell your MP to stand up for autistic people and end the autism diagnosis waiting times crisis. Will you invite them to the debate?

We appreciate your support! Together we can fight for a world that works for autistic people.

Best wishes,
Campaigns Manager

P.S. The debate is in 5 days so make sure you invite your MP ASAP!

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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