Venn Diagram of neurodevelopmental condition overlap

Just to remind people or share with people who have not seen this the attached Venn Diagram.

Everyone will be aware that none of us fit neatly into boxes and there is enormous overlap with the various neurodevelopmental conditions.

This diagram gives some way of thinking about this overlap.

If people would like to discuss this further at the Post-Diagnostic Support Group I would be more than happy to do so.

Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.
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3 comments on “Venn Diagram of neurodevelopmental condition overlap
  1. Neeb says:

    Wondering whether OCD should be added between ASD and Tourette’s? I read a book about Tourette’s that said that there’s some kind of brain connection between Tourette’s and OCD and that often people with Tourette’s have OCD as well. I feel like there are some things ASD has in common with OCD as well.

  2. Carly Bailey says:

    Hi Neve

    Dr Buchan has asked me to pass on her thanks to you for your comment.


  3. Linda Buchan says:

    I agree there are similarities
    It is important to distinguish if it is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or part of someone’s Autism

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