Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – November 2017

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Twenty Fifth
Post-Diagnostic Support Group
8th November 2017

Today’s group was attended by 41 people.


Cal introduced himself and the team from Axia ASD Ltd. He then apologised for Dr Buchan not being there and explained that she was on a well-earned cruise.

He also introduced Hannah who is a Clinical Psychology Trainee on placement with Axia ASD Ltd.

He then spoke about a challenge that he is planning for January 2019 where he is going to do the Rickshaw Challenge with other members of the Axia ASD Ltd team.

He then handed over to Elspeth Bromiley for a presentation that she had prepared for this month’s group meeting.


Elspeth’s presentation was entitled Emotional Regulation.

There were sub headings where she discussed:

  • What is emotional regulation
  • Why do people on the Spectrum find emotional regulation difficult
  • Self and others regulation
  • How to regulate – Early Intervention

On summing up from the presentations Elspeth emphasised how everyone needs to:

  • Make time for yourself
  • Take breaks for time alone
  • Remember to use strategies

One member discussed how making time in the work environment is very important and how you should take regular breaks. They also stated how Autistic people would adhere to the rules and if they were allowed 15 minutes then that is the amount of time they would take, whereas a lot of neurotypical people would stretch the 15 minutes to maybe 20, also we are all guilty of getting too engrossed in work and not taking breaks.

A very good analogy was given by a member of the group:
“ I used to be neurotypical until I was diagnosed ”.

Elspeth asked the group for their coping strategies, these were:

  • Breathing
  • Look at cards
  • Balloon breathing
  • Low and slow breathing
  • Read a book
  • Fidget cubes, spinners and magnets
  • Fidget ring
  • Rubix cube
  • Stone
  • Blue Tac

We then had a fifteen minute break for drinks and cake.

The cakes this week were:

Spiced Apple
Carrot Cake, which was the cake of the month

When we resumed, Cal spoke about his Lootcrate box received this month.

He explained that you can get different Lootcrate’s for different themes, they can be based around Gaming, Anime and Marvel etc.

He explained how they arrive every month and the cost of them is around £30.00 and the value of the goods inside the box is £50.00.

He opened his latest box for the group to see what was inside, Cal had saved opening this box at home so he could do so for the group. Inside this month’s box were:

  • Thor versus Loki – build and share
  • Ghostbusters T shirt
  • Stranger Things game
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer book mark
  • Loot pin

Next month’s Lootcrate will be based on Overwatch, DC Comics or Power Rangers.

Cal then spoke about the Anime Amigos Vlog, advising how the recent vlog is now available to view on our website.

Cal also explained how each week we will be posting on the website the date and time of the next film that Cal and Ren will be going to see and how anyone is welcome to join them and also to do their own review if they would like to. It would be great if anyone felt able to join them at the cinema.

We announced to the group the date of the next meeting which will be:
Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 11.30-1.30pm

We also explained how the dates of next year’s groups have been posted on the website (HERE).

It was also announced that Sarah Hendrickx will be speaking at the December goup and the focus of this group will be Employment.

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4 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – November 2017
  1. ronnie says:

    I hadn’t expected to enjoy this meeting, but it turned out to be one of the best meetings I’ve attended for some time. Although I hope we can depend on Linda attending all future meetings, Linda was still missed.
    Elspeth was very good with her presentation and the interaction with the group was excellent. The report doesn’t do credit to the meeting,no fault of Carly’s who I think if I remember rightly had a Medical appointment. It would have been better if one of the Red Hill Staff present at the meeting had done the report instead.
    I’m glad we are now welcome to attend films which Calvin and Ren go to see, which I had mentioned about in 2014 and last year.

    • Dream says:

      I couldn’t agree with you more Ronnie!!!

      An excellent meeting, “better than expected” (no disrespect intended, but Linda’s mere “presence” has a perhaps profound effect).

      Calvin’s hosting was excellent, as was Elspeth’s presentation which I found both thought provoking and “interactive”.

      I also thoroughly enjoyed our chat before the meeting Ronnie (when I thought the room was occupied by somebody else so came back out!) – it was good to have a chuckle about how we sometimes misinterpret the world! But also it was interesting and important when you brought up about how one can only get the necessary support needed when we’re struck with conditions like cancer.

      Very glad to see you were looking and sounding so well Ronnie, and that we both enjoyed this particular PDSG more than expected 🙂 Hope to catch up with you at the next one.

      All the best, and safe journeys,

      • ronnie says:

        Hi Dream,
        Thanks for your support. Yes I certainly hope Linda is back at all future meetings, we were very lucky in Linda’s absence to have Elspeth give an excellent presentation. But Linda is still needed to have a profound effect on the meeting as you say.
        I still hoping regarding the Cancer Support, nothing guranteed.
        Look forward to catching up with you at the next meeting.
        Best wishes

  2. ronnie says:

    Could you put the dates on this News Page please for Calvin and Ren watching Films please. I will do my best to attend subject to not clashing with my Cancer Treatment or anything else beyond my control.I know the last date which I have only just seen Monday 6th November is published next to ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ i think it would be better published on this page please as far in advance as possible please where it would be conspicuous and not buried in the inside pages where it is so easy to miss.

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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