Ann’s Autism Blog – And the audience said ‘No’

As some of you may be aware, Dr Linda Buchan and members of the Axia Team attended the Autism Professionals Conference. The final speaker appeared to create some controversy, so much so that our very own Dr Buchan felt compelled to comment, which led to a spontaneous round of applause from the audience.

Ann’s Autism Blog describes her experience of the event, without actually naming it, or the speaker, or the “professional in the audience” who took the microphone… so for the record, it was Linda!

Saturday, 10 March 2018
…And the audience said ‘No’. A pivotal moment in autistic history.

A major autism conference was held in the UK recently. It was filled with professionals. Various speakers were invited to the stage, and gave a variety of useful and informative talks.

Then, another speaker arrived on stage. An eminent professional. Very well connected. They gave a speech which portrayed autism and parents of autistic children in various negative ways.

There was a stunned silence from the professional audience.

One of the professionals in the audience asked for the roving microphone, and said what a lot of the others were thinking – that this was totally not OK. Their interruption received applause and cheering.

Read the full article HERE

We also received a link to a page by Zanne Bell who condensed 100 minutes of  the plenary session at the end of the NAS professional conference down to 10 and shared them on SoundCloud. This gives an idea of the context of Dr Buchan’s comment, which can be heard around the 5 minute mark.

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7 comments on “Ann’s Autism Blog – And the audience said ‘No’
  1. Ronnie says:

    Yes clearly not some very nice things said and the Person shouldn’t be working with People with Autism and well done to Linda. But it would be helpful if the Speech had been Published in this Blog. And it would be good if not just Professionals or mainly Proffessionals were attending these Conferences. There is a Golden Opputunaty at the Crewe meetings to be given information months even a Year in advance about these meetings so we can prepare and go.If there was even enough interest why not a Coach say from Crewe and picking up also at Chester for People from Red Hill House. Let us have the experience of these meetings and then we could get the Proper atmosphere of these meetings
    I remember having to really lobby for the Conference we are having in Szeptember and it was at a time when I suspected Correctly as it turned out that I had Cancer.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Dream it is an accurate transcript

    To reassure everyone at least 50 percent of the presenters and attendees were Autistic

    This was the NAS professionals conference which is held every year in March

    We told the group about it many months ago and indeed members of the group nominated us for the award we won for which we are grateful.

    The cost of the conference is high, but conferences are very expensive and time consuming and you will also need to factor in travel and accommodation costs

    As we always say:
    “Look at the NAS website for this conference and other conferences”
    eg one day ones in Manchester which might be a bit more manageable

    • Ronnie says:

      Just looked at the NAS website via your Link and I failed to find any information about future conferences, It would be helpful if Axia could provide easy to find information on future Conferences well in advance so arrange can be made ‘re Transport etzc. Aa I’ve said such as a Coach from Crewe, Chester Tec.

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