Autism: How to raise a happy Autistic child – Review

Book Review of
“Autism: How to raise a happy Autistic child”
By Jessie Hewitson
Foreword by the charity Ambitious About Autism
Publisher: The Orion Publishing Group

I was delighted to come into work today and find this book on the table in our staffroom. Sarah had been given a copy by the publishers as she was one of a number of people who contributed to the book. Other contributors include the author, David Mitchell, Professor Simon Baron-Cohen and the book has been reviewed by, for example, Laura James the author of The Odd Girl and Carrie Grant.

It is a beautifully written book and Jessie is an award winning journalist at The Times and has freelanced for various national newspapers and magazines. She is a mother of two, her 7 year old son is Autistic.

The chapters include the following:
  • Defining Autism
  • Is my child Autistic
  • The diagnostic process
  • What it is like to be Autistic
  • Sensory differences
  • Interventions
  • Creating an Autism friendly home
  • Mental Health
  • Learning to play
  • Siblings
  • Nursery and School
  • Support in Education
  • Play dates
  • Girls and Autism
  • Autism in black and minority ethnic communities
  • Holidays

She ends with a conclusion and there is also a very helpful glossary of terms, Autism acknowledgements in which Sarah is acknowledged as one of the people who have read chapters to “sense check it and lend me their expertise”.

There is also two indexes which are very helpful.

I have just started to read this book and I am so impressed by it that I am going to bring it in any case to the group on Wednesday and order several copies for our team.

Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.

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