Autistic boy’s Tea Company Empowering disabilities – gofundme

Simon Usher is organising this fundraiser.

My son Austen is 8 and has autism, so do I and so does his brother Tristan who is 9. For the past two years Austen has had two passions Tea and helping people. Austen has been on various tea blending workshops and is a dab hand at creating custom blends for us.

About a year ago on hearing that people Autistic people struggle to get into employment (only 16% being in full time work) he asked me why it was so hard for us. All I could say to him was that employers often judge people on how they seem in a one hour interview, not how well they can do the job. After telling me this was “stupid” he decided that he wanted to create a business selling his own blends of tea, but more importantly employing those with difficulties such as Autism and Down syndrome.

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One comment on “Autistic boy’s Tea Company Empowering disabilities – gofundme
  1. Linda Buchan says:

    Great to hear this Simon
    Regards to everyone

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