Axia Weekly Bulletin – 2nd October

Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work.

I would like to remind anyone due to visit Axia that Red Hill House have requested that staff and visitors wear masks in the communal areas of the building. Of course, some visitors will be exempt, but we politely ask you to follow the guidance wherever possible. We are still observing the Social Distancing rule of 2 metres and have hand sanitiser available in all of our clinic rooms and offices, in addition to those positioned around the building. Visitors are reminded to keep themselves and others safe by using the hand sanitiser provided before entering and leaving the building. Our clinic rooms allow the space for Social Distancing of 2 Metres so families and individuals can remove their masks, if wearing, once inside the room should they feel more comfortable in doing so.

All of the team were delighted to welcome Linda’s back to the office this week following her period of quarantine after returning from Crete. She was also glad to be back but felt that the quarantine was worth it for the wonderful time she had in Greece.

Another exciting event this week was the Axia Away Day, which is an annual training event for all staff and associates. It is always fantastic to meet together, discuss ideas and learn from each other and many thanks to Chester Racecourse for allowing this to happen in a large, COVID safe environment. The feedback from the day will form part of December’s Post Diagnostic Support Group presentation.

Other events to come include ‘An Invitation to The Autism Show – NAS’. This is a week of webinars, taking place between the 12th and 17th October. This should be a great learning event; buying a ticket will also help to support the invaluable work of ‘The National Autistic Society’. You can find other ways to support this much needed charity by visiting their website.

This week Calvin has been busy with his reviews; you can read his thoughts on ‘Super Mario 3D – game Review’ and also his film review of ‘Schemers’ which he went to see last week. The Film Society is taking a break this week so there will be no film review this time next week but Calvin will be back at the cinema so a review will be posted on Friday 9th October 2020.

Calvin and Ren streamed on Tuesday this week and the game was “The Last of Us: Part II’ which they will probably be playing for the rest of the October. Calvin (and possibly and Ren)will be streaming later, as usual, at 7:30pm They had planned to play ‘MediEvil’ to begin their Halloween Special streams but are unsure if this will still be the case. If it is not ‘MediEvil’ then the game will be ‘Crash Bandicoot 4’.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Sue Power
Company Secretary and Educational Lead

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