Axia Weekly Bulletin – 6th November

Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work.

We would like to remind everyone who has upcoming appointments with us that we are still able to conduct face to face assessments. Red Hill House have confirmed that the building will remain open.

All staff and visitors are required to wear masks in the communal areas of the building, unless exempt. We are still observing the Social Distancing rule of 2 metres and have hand sanitiser available in all of our clinic rooms and offices, in addition to those positioned around the building. Visitors are reminded to keep themselves and others safe by using the hand sanitiser provided before entering and leaving the building. Our clinic rooms allow the space for Social Distancing of 2 metres so families and individuals can remove their masks, if wearing, once inside the room should they feel more comfortable in doing so.

Thank you to those of you who have emailed Amy-Louise to offer your experiences of being stereotyped to assist with her essay. Your input is very much appreciated.

Some of you may have joined Calvin and Ren for their special Halloween stream of the game ‘Little Hope – The Dark Pictures Anthology’. As predicted, they did come up against some bugs whilst playing but they did manage to complete it. Calvin has written a review of the game which you can read here.

Calvin did not attend the cinema last week so we were not expecting a review today, however, The Film Society is back! Calvin posted a review of ‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm’. Obviously, with the new restrictions he won’t be at the cinema but watch out for some interesting posts over the next few weeks.

Calvin and Ren streamed, as usual, this week, continuing with ‘The Last of Us: Part II’ on Tuesday. They will be streaming again later at 7:30pm and the game will be ‘Crash Bandicoot 4’.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Sue Power
Company Secretary and Educational Lead

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