Congratulations and Thanks to Carly

Carly-B-thumbI am delighted to announce that this month Carly has worked for Axia ASD Ltd for the last six years.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that Axia ASD Ltd would not be the service it is without the skills, commitment and motivation of Carly, and I would like to publicly congratulate her on behalf of All of us here at Axia ASD Ltd and all the peoples lives she has touched over the last six years.

Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.
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6 comments on “Congratulations and Thanks to Carly
  1. Dream says:

    I second that! A big thanks from me too Carly 🙂

  2. Calvin says:

    i’ll third that! thanks for everything Carly been a big help!

  3. Ronnie Hunt says:

    Carly is an essential member of the axia team. When Carly leaves Axia, hopefully not for many years there will be a huge void at Axia.

  4. Rob Wood says:

    I want to say thank you to Carly for how kind and helpful you’ve been when I’ve contacted Axia-ASD by phone and email. You’ve been probably the kindest and most helpful person I’ve ever interacted with when contacting medical organisations and when contacting organisations in general.

    I hope you have many more happy years at Axia-ASD

  5. Carly Bailey says:

    Dear Ronnie & Rob

    Thank you so much for your very kind words.

    Kind Regards


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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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