Easy-read transgender guide launched by CMG | LDT

Learning disability support provider launches pioneering easy-read transgender guide

06 March 2019

CMG, a leading provider of support for people with learning disabilities and associated complex needs, has joined forces with charities CHANGE and Choice Support to launch an easy-read Transgender guide, providing support and advice to individuals across the country.

The guide

In the first of its kind, the easy read guide explains to individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism what it means to be transgender; the issues or challenges that may be experienced; and to help them understand their thoughts, feelings, and gender identity. The pioneering booklet enables individuals to be better informed about every day issues that affect people who have or are thinking of transitioning, and incorporated contributions from many people across the many months of its development.

The booklet follows the success of CMG and CHANGE’s previous guide to Keeping Safe Online, aimed at supporting individuals with learning disabilities and other associated complex needs.

The Guide was launched at the national Learning Disability England Conference and is freely available from CMG, Change and Choice Support Websites, as well as accessible via the Supported Loving Network Facebook page and website.

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