Friday 29th May – Update

Today’s update has been posted earlier today to allow for essential website maintenance.
Another successful day here today with four diagnosticians carrying out sterling work.
Calvin has produced a review of ‘Minecraft Dungeons’ to help you decide if you would like to spend your hard earned money on it, or not!
We also wanted to share an email from the National Autistic Society which can be found below.
Calvin and Ren will be live streaming as usual later at 7:30pm. The game will be ‘Final Fantasy !X’.
Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.

Tell supermarkets to support their autistic customers during lockdown

Long queues, confusing rules and limited delivery slots mean that too many autistic people and their families are struggling to get food.

We’re writing to supermarket bosses to ask them to make a few simple changes, like opening up priority hours, keeping consistent rules and helping their staff understand the needs of their autistic customers.

Join us, alongside charities like Mind, Scope, Mencap and Autistica, by signing and sharing our letter.

Last month, we asked for your experiences of lockdown. Hundreds of you wrote in – thank you to everyone who shared their stories. One of the big issues you told us about was getting food.

Although supermarkets and their staff are working hard to keep us safe, lots of autistic people and families told us that the new changes were leaving them stressed and anxious. They can’t get online delivery slots because they’re not in the group considered most vulnerable to coronavirus, but they also can’t go to the supermarkets because of the barriers they face in-store. Some shops don’t allow you to bring family members or unpaid carers, or shop during priority hours when it’s quieter. Getting food shouldn’t be this difficult.

It doesn’t have to be like this. Supermarket bosses can make simple changes to support autistic people.

Supermarkets have a legal duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled people. Simply put, they need to accommodate their autistic customers. Will you help us remind them of their duty?

Together, we can make sure that supermarket bosses know that getting it right for disabled customers should be their top priority.

Thanks for your support,

Campaigns Manager

P.S. If you’re struggling to get food now, we’ve put together some information that may help.

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2 comments on “Friday 29th May – Update
  1. Helen Jones says:

    Thank you for all that you are doing Team Axia; I have signed the letter from the NAS and hope that many more do so.
    I am looking forward very much to June 3rd and Linda’s presentation on Catatonia. It will be the next best thing to bring present and together as a group.
    Hoping everyone is keeping safe, mentally and physically.
    Kindest regards

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Dream has found it Helen!!
    Another testimony to his skills
    Glad you signed the NAS letter

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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