Haygarth Public Health Lecture – (a Free Public Lecture)

Haygarth Public health Lecture 21st November 2019 at 6.30pm in Binks building Room 011 University of Chester

This year’s Haygarth Public Health Lecture is titled:  
“Sit down you’re rocking the boat”: the future of public mental health leadership.

The Keynote speaker is:  Poppy Jaman OBE,
CEO City Mental Health Alliance
NED Public Health England

Lecture Abstract:
To do its job well, public mental health leadership in the workplace urgently needs to reflect the diversity of the population it serves. First, by attracting leaders with lived experience from all genders, generations, ethnicities and socio-economic groups, and also by creating a workplace culture where our views and insights are listened to and acted on.
Good intentions are no longer enough, we have to move beyond tokenism and encourage organisations to listen in order to lead well.
Poppy will share her experience of mental health leadership across the public, private and social enterprise sector in a keynote, which will be followed by an interview and questions from the audience.
Please see the attached flyer and biography.

This lecture is free and open to all and will take place on Thursday, 21st November 2019 at 6.30pm in room CBK011, Binks Building, Parkgate Road Campus in Chester. Tea and coffee will be served from 6pm.

The lecture is a joint collaboration between the University of Chester and the Department of Public Health at Cheshire West and Chester Council.
The annual Haygarth Lecture was established in 2005 by public health teams across the region. It celebrates the legacy of 18th-century physician Dr John Haygarth, who pioneered disease control measures. Described as ‘Clinical Investigator – Apostle of Sanitation’, he helped stem a smallpox epidemic threatening the city’s population in the late 1700s while practising Medicine at Chester Royal Infirmary.
I would be grateful if you could pin the poster on your notice board or circulate this email to any of your colleague’s, family or friends that maybe interested in attending this event.
To book a place please contact me Moira Hazelton, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Life Sciences on m.hazelton@chester.ac.uk
Best wishes
Moira Hazelton
Faculty Projects Co-ordinator
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Life Sciences
01244 511646  Ext 1646

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