Horizon – 2017: ADHD and Me with Rory Bremner

Last night I watched BBC’s Horizon, which this week was a documentary about Rory Bremner and ADHD. I was particularly interested as it was a Radio 4 documentary I heard him do that  had roughly the same title which led to my initial diagnosis prior to a further one of ASD.

I just wished to let people know that it is available on the BBC’s website for another 29 days. I would be curious to hear other peoples thoughts on the programme. I did enjoy watching it despite there being absolutely no mention of Autism or Aspergers. I also wonder if the extended “ginger bread man cooking session” analogy was offensive to any one else?!?

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One comment on “Horizon – 2017: ADHD and Me with Rory Bremner
  1. Helen says:

    Thank you to Dream for posting this. I watched this link to the Horizon programme with interest – and was thankful that such a popular and well known person was the main subject matter, as he has a reputation for being very likeable, intelligent etc.
    Just as well, because the programme didn’t paint a particularly positive picture of ADHD.

    I did find the gingerbread baking session rather offensive. Were they insinuating that people with ADHD are “half baked” ?
    It’s a shame that it couldn’t have been one of a series of programmes that later covered ASD and Aspergers, as you so rightly said Dream – neither were mentioned.
    I suppose in the time allowed, the BBC covered a lot – the research with flies was fascinating, but I also think that some of the specialists were a little too light hearted about what can be, a very serious and debilitating condition.
    Kindest regards.

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