January PDSG Presentation with Ren Bromiley and Dr Linda Buchan

Welcome to our first Post-Diagnostic Support Group meeting of the year presentation, which was held on Wednesday 24th January. Ren did a really good update on his previous talk discussing his insights into autism in relation to mental health environments. Around 4 years on, Ren revisits the literature and statistics in the first half of the video, and Dr Buchan follows in the second half bringing up a recent document, “Meeting The Needs Of Autistic Adults In Mental Health Services”, the link to which can be found here

Two other resources were mentioned during Wednesday’s talk, and the links for these are:
National Autistic Society’s Health Passport and
A National Framework To Deliver Improved Outcomes In All Age Autism Assessment Pathways Guidance For Integrated Care Boards

For those of you who couldn’t attend the PDSG, the presentations were recorded (excluding some of the attendees responses in order to preserve anonymity) and is available to view bellow.

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4 comments on “January PDSG Presentation with Ren Bromiley and Dr Linda Buchan
  1. Helen Jones says:

    I found this meeting to be absolutely excellent.
    The research, depth of understanding and knowledge from Ren was outstanding.
    If only he could give this talk-this awareness, to all care givers then he could change peoples lives, in fact change the world for people on the spectrum.
    Linda’s talk was very valuable and informative too – how on earth would we know about these things without Linda and Axia.
    I’m still processing all the information.
    Thank you both very much indeed.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Our pleasure Helen

  3. Senor says:

    Thanks again to the whole Axia team! I think I might try to attend the PDSG next May, as I will be back in the UK for the first time since 2017. Hope to see you all at the Racecourse one of these days!

  4. Linda Buchan says:

    That would be great

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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