Hey folks,
If you or anyone you know or work with may benefit from free co-produced/specialised therapy for social anxiety disorder in autistic people, we’re looking for participants!
*We’re particularly keen on recruiting a diverse sample if possible. So to any clinicians on my LinkedIn if you can think of any of your clients who may benefit from this, do let me know.*
Inclusion criteria:
- Age 18+
- Access to computer/online
- Either diagnosed or suspected autism (clinical diagnosis not required)
- Currently experiencing anxiety in social situations
- Availability of up to 2 hrs p/week for 6 months. (In reality it will be much less than this, but this is the maximum ball-park so people can plan ahead)
- Not diagnosed with a learning disability or neurological condition, and no current acute suicidal ideation or self harm (this is for risk management purposes)
Get in touch via the email provided in the poster if interested, and feel free to share 😊
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