Mini-PDSG Announcement for 5th January 2022

Hello everyone 😊

Just a reminder that our offices are closed between Thursday 24th December 2021 to Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Our next Post Diagnostic Support Group Session will be held on the Wednesday 5th January 2022 at our usual time, 12 p.m but this will be a shorter session, lasting until approximately 1p.m.

This will focus on reasonable adjustments, specifically relating to adults in employment and education. We have created a document that can be used as a guide by autistic adults and their families. The session will be led by Chloe Millington and Evie Connor from Axia, but we would like it to be collaborative, hearing your experiences in employment and/or education, so that we can ensure that our guide is as helpful as possible. More information, the session guide and the Zoom link will be sent out closer to the time.

Our normal 2-hour sessions will return from Wednesday 19th January 2022.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Chloe Millington
Assistant Psychologist

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7 comments on “Mini-PDSG Announcement for 5th January 2022
  1. Why says:

    I have experienced bullying in the work place quite a few times, including physical bullying. The latest bullying incident included a few different people at the work place I was attending. The manager led me on about a job and then sacked me only a few weeks after I thought I had a permanent job with him. He called me sweetie pops and told me to get lost. Another employee pushed me and another touched me while making comments about my physical appearance. It’s so difficult to get employment and when I do I often get bullied. And I just seem to keep getting more and more qualifications and still no job

    • Chloe says:

      Hi, thank you for your comment. I am really sorry to hear about what you have been through. If you are looking for support, please call the office on 01244 567656, and we may be able to direct you to appropriate resources.

  2. LukeF says:

    Hello, does the PDSG require registration in advance of any sort?

    • Chloe Millington says:

      Hi Luke,
      If you or your child has been diagnosed with us at Axia, then you can join our PDSG sessions.
      If you are interested, please email along with the DOB and assessment date of yourself or your child.

  3. A says:

    I have had several horrendous experiences subjected upon me for asking for Reasonable Adjustments.

    Bullying, discrimination and various levels of Assault for asking for the most basic of Reasonable Adjustments!

    Asking for time off to attend these PDSG sessions is considered unreasonable.

    The latest Serious Targeted Assault in the workplace, targeted a known physical injury, leaving me facing several Emergency A&E referrals and urgent Surgery and left me with life changing injury.

    Even asking for basics, such as a desk position away from loud noise, wearing Noise Cancellation Headphones, asking for a desk position nearer natural daylight, or switching off a Teams / Zoom camera to allow me to concentrate on verbal communication etc. is frowned upon.

    I now feel the need to hide disability, and suffer the consequences, I value the function of my body over trying to access Reasonable Adjustments.

    It will be very interesting to learn what is considered Reasonable in theory…

    • Chloe Millington says:

      Hi, thank you for your comment. Your reports of assault, bullying and discrimination are alarming. Can we discuss privately after the PDSG? If you could email us on, we can then talk further and about how best to proceed.

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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