Not Enough – NAS New Campaign

Not Enough: our new campaign for better support and services
(9 September 2019)

Today, we are launching Not Enough, our campaign to demand better support and services for autistic people in England.

Ten years on from the Autism Act and government has not done enough to live up to its promises to autistic people and their families. We are calling on the Government to introduce specialist autism support in every council in England and to give councils the money they urgently need to fix the crisis in social care.

How you can get involved

You can support our Not Enough campaign by contacting your MP, to invite them to our event in Parliament, which will take place before the end of the year. At the event, autistic people, families and professionals will talk to MPs about what they must do to better support autistic people.

Our campaign is based on the findings of an inquiry, published today, by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism (APPGA) and the National Autistic Society into the impact of the Autism Act, 10 years after its introduction. A survey of around 11,000 autistic adults and their families in England and evidence sessions in Parliament found that there is simply not enough care, support and understanding in our society for autistic people.

This is having devastating consequences for autistic people: widespread isolation, mental health problems and people falling into crisis.

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2 comments on “Not Enough – NAS New Campaign
  1. Rita Williams says:

    Only just learned of the Autism Act, 10 Years On report and your Not Enough campaign. When is the next Autism Strategy to be published and how can I access it on-line.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    I don’t think there are any plans for a completely new strategy
    There are always campaigns though
    See our most recent post on this site which I urge everyone to sign

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