Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – August 2016

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Fourteenth
Post-Diagnostic Support Group
17th August 2016

Today’s group was attended by 36 people.

Items discussed were:

Linda explained to the group that today would be a more informal, creative session facilitated by Carly’s husband, Scott, with tile designing, colouring in, drawing, doodling and in addition, Calvin would be doing a “Pokémon Go” session in Crewe.

Following this, Linda explained to the group the decision that had been reached as to our next Conference which will not be next year due to existing commitments, conferences already arranged by other organisations and the fact that we don’t yet have a purpose or title for the conference.

We then discussed the Autism Alert Cards and Dream explained to the group the reasons behind creating these which followed on from Elspeth Bromiley’s session on Managing Anxiety which can be found HERE.

Dr. Buchan then mentioned her seeing Phil Morris give a presentation called “Interviewing Victims & Witnesses with Autism”, the slides of which can be found on this post HERE.

Contributions from the group were the helpfulness of staff at Manchester Airport. HERE is a link to our previous article on “Autism & Airports”.

Discussion then took place within the group regarding Autism and how it presents in older people. Some members of the group have found it easier to cope with whereas others have found it more difficult.

The topics of the next three month’s were discussed including the September session where David Reiser will be delivering a presentation on “Pathological Demand Avoidance”, Calvin will be delivering his presentation in October on so called “cures” for Autism and Dr Sudharsan is due to attend our December group and will be delivering a presentation on mental health and medication.

Our next monthly post-diagnostic support group will take place on:
Wednesday 21 September 2016 between 11am and 1pm at the Lifestyle Centre.
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6 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – August 2016
  1. ronnie says:

    Am very disappointed there will be no Conference, I understand why there will not be another Conference next year with other similar conferences taking place.And frankly I am sceptical another Conference will ever take place. I think the failure of last years Conference regarding the Question and Answer Session us Aspergers/Autism people who had agreed to take part and didn’t due to the Questions been more suitable to Linda has been such a blow,I honestly think you at Axia have never got over that. It wasn’t your fault,you can’t make the Audience ask us Asperger/Autism people Questions. Although I only went to one Conference I enjoyed the day out and will miss the future days out which for me is just as important as the Conference with people I know.

  2. Helen says:

    I got a lot out of this months meeting, the arts and crafts supplies were a lovely idea and came with no pressure.
    The Pokemon Go team gave it all a light hearted vibe.
    And during the final section when Dr Linda was outlining future meetings, several members of the group spoke (bravely I thought) on their feelings about growing older with Aspergers – much of which I relate to wholeheartedly.

    Yes I too am very disappointed that the 2017 seminar will not be taking place, but I fully understand the reasoning behind the decision.
    And to invest the time and money saved, in educating GP practices instead, I feel will benefit many in years to come.

    It might be very helpful, if the Wrexham seminar in October this year could be videod and accessible to members of our group?
    I’m sure there will be reasons why this is not doable, but I had to ask
    Brilliant cake, as always!
    Many thanks

  3. Linda Buchan says:

    Thank you Ronnie and Helen for taking the time to comment on the group
    Your comments are very insightful and warrant further consideration
    I shall be taking them to our team meeting on 31/8
    With Thanks

    • ronnie says:

      Your welcome Linda. Pleased you find Helen’s and my comments very insightful and they will be going for further consideration to your team meeting on 31/8.Thank you.
      Best wishes

  4. Martin John Reynolds says:

    Further to my comment at the last meeting: I couldn’t find Temple Grandin talking about the topic, but I did find the paper below. In essence people with an ASD with good language development do see a diminishment of their symptoms with increasing age according to the study.

  5. Linda Buchan says:

    Thank you for this Martin

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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