Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – September 2016

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Fifthteenth
Post-Diagnostic Support Group
21st September 2016

Today’s group was attended by 33 people.

Items discussed were:

Linda introduced the team members present to the many new attendees. Linda then introduced David who was delivering this month’s presentation.

David spoke about Pathological Demand Avoidance explaining the terminology to the group as well as providing many examples to put the terms into context. Several discussions took place within the group with many sharing their experiences.

During the refreshment break Carly was able to hand out our Autism Alert Cards to people wishing to purchase. These cards will be available at each group in future also.

Linda then spoke to the group about Axia ASD’s recent attendance at the Autism Europe International Congress and provided our feedback of the event.

Cake of the Month will be slightly delayed but will be posted on our website ASAP.

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6 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – September 2016
  1. ronnie says:

    Enjoyed the session.An interesting presentation, but I must admit I’m not sure ‘Pathological Demand Avoidance’ needs to be recognised as a seperate diagnosis.
    Last month I expressed sceptism about Axia holding a Conference in 2018, but hope very much I am wrong and that a conference does take place.I freely admit that I enjoy the day out at the Venue and the Tea breaks, Lunch breaks with people I know and like as well as the presentations at these events.I would be willing to give a talk on my Life experience of Asperger Syndrome as a contribution to the Conference with questions welcome and would do my best to answer them.(maybe I could help a few tired people have a snooze with my boring talk).
    At the time of writing I have not yet looked at the 2017 dates for Axia’s P-D.S.G Meetings, but can I suggest if a 2018 Axia Conference is to be held that a date is arranged at the very first Axia P.D.S.G meeting in 2017 so other Conferences do not clash with the Axia One?

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Thanks as always for your helpful comments and suggestions
    Let’s discuss the potential for a conference at the first group of 2017

    • ronnie says:

      Your welcome.
      By all means regarding the conference, but I think there is a real need for such a conference and I’m very grateful to Helen for her kind support. I think it would be very important setting a date for the conference at 2017’s first meeting which I now know is on Wednesday 18th January,2017 from 12pm to 2pm and not kicking a date for a 2018 Conference into the long grass.
      I remember we were supposed to set a date for a 2017 Conference
      at the final meeting at the old Crewe Library in March.But with it been the final meeting in an atmosphere of nostalgia for the
      Old Library and visiting the new Venue and looking forward to Luke Beardons Talk at the first ever meeting at Crewe Lifestyle Centre the setting of the date for the 2017 meeting was forgotten.I take my share of the blame for forgetting to remind
      You about setting the date.So yes please it’s important a date should be set in January and from the above mentioned experience not kicked into the long grass.

  3. Helen says:

    I too really enjoyed the recent PDSG ( as always)
    Someone asked me what I get out of it and I can sum it up by saying that I have lived my life as a ” fish out of water”
    And when I’m with the PDSG I am, for two hours ” a fish IN water”

    I found David’s talk on Pathological Demand Avoidence very interesting, although at times a little uncomfortable as I recognised one or two aspects of myself being described.
    And Dr Linda’s Ven diagram came into my mind, in that, if PDA was included in that, It would add another piece of the jigsaw that is my life.
    I don’t know if that makes sense – sorry if not.

    Also I think it is a very kind and brave of Ronnie to offer to talk about his experience of living with Aspergers.
    I get a lot from reading about and listening to, people who also have ASD, but it’s quite rare I imagine, to hear someone speak about their experiences first hand.

  4. ronnie says:

    If anyone is interested in a 2018 conference and have any ideas, could you please bring ideas to the meeting on Wednesday 18thJanuary, 2017. Linda has agreed to discuss the potential for such a conference taking place in 2018,at the 18thJanuary 2017 meeting from 12pm to 2pm.
    As a contribution to the conference in 2018 I have offered to talk about my life experience of having Asperger Syndrome and answering questions to the best of my ability.
    So once again ideas are very welcome from other people for the 2018 conference. Thank you.

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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