This is our chance to take action – NAS

Let’s demand better for autistic people

Right now, the UK is preparing for a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. We know from our report, Left Stranded, that autistic people and their families have been impacted worse than most as local mental health, education and care services have been cut back. If this continues, a second wave could be devastating.

We have the opportunity to make sure that autistic people aren’t left stranded again. The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is due to announce the Government’s spending plans this autumn. We need to send a strong message that funding for our local services should be a priority. Take action by signing our open letter to Rishi Sunak.

Since the pandemic, all the things that we used to rely on – schools, shops, transport, seeing friends and family – have changed. While most of us have been able to adapt to our new reality, autistic people and their families have been left stranded. 

Our survey in June and July found that autistic people were seven times more likely to be chronically lonely than the rest of the public. They were also six times more likely to have low life satisfaction. Anxiety was worse for autistic people who require a lot of support, as they were less likely to receive the information and advice they needed.

This is hugely unfair. We can’t allow a generation of autistic people to fall into a mental health crisis. 

Right now, we have an opportunity to change things. We’re calling on Rishi Sunak to fund services for autistic people in the Government’s upcoming Spending Review. You can help us get his attention by signing our letter to show you support our calls. 

Thanks for your support! Together we can fight for a world that works for autistic people.

All the best,

Campaigns Manager

P.S. Our open letter is closing soon! Make sure your sign it now before it’s too late. 

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The Next Axia13th November 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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