An apology from Dream to the PDSG…

To everyone who attended the Post-Diagnostic Support Group today, whom I assured I would edit the audio together and put on Axia’s website within a week, I must humbly apologise.

Unfortunately, there was some sort of technical issue and the audio recorded an hour and 11 minutes of clicking noises.

I’m very sorry about this and will attempt to find a “belt and braces” approach so that this doesn’t happen again. I know quite a lot of people were eager to hear the question and answer session from the informal group today, and I apologise to all those who are now disappointed.

Guest IT Consultant

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2 comments on “An apology from Dream to the PDSG…
  1. Helen says:

    Dear Dream,
    It’s just one of those things that will have happened thousands of times, you are not to blame. Technology is a fickle thing.
    It was good to see you today, and very interesting to hear your revelations about carbs.
    Literally food for thought.
    Kindest regards

    • Dream says:

      Dear Helen,

      Thanks so much for your understanding and kind words. I do feel bad, but I know it wasn’t my fault, but it was “under my watch”, so I need to do better in future.

      I do wonder whether my “food rant” not being recorded is for the best, my experience is very strange and I’m not sure if I was coherent today when Linda “unleashed my reins” so to speak. When I’m two months into this experiment I’ve said I’ll do a “personal post”, so I can’t be misinterpreted. It’s very weird starting an experiment for one reason then finding out there is loads of “science” which I’ve been bombarding my Self with for 7 weeks now!

      Anywayz, thanks again for your understanding Helen, and it was nice to see you today 🙂

      All the best and Safe journeys,

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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