Autistic teen posts video about struggles with system – BBC

This is a difficult watch but needs to be listened to
Sadly in my opinion telling us what we should already know 
To paraphrase Dr Luke Beardon
Autism + Environment = Outcome
It is everyone’s responsibility to try to provide the environments we know work for people 
Dr. Linda Buchan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.

Autistic teen posts video about struggles with system

Campaigners say autistic people are being left to “fall through the cracks” by the social care system.

Analysis carried out by the Health Foundation for BBC News suggests around 10 per cent of social care staff have had any training in how to support people with autism.

And the National Autistic Society say more than 300,000 people are not getting their needs met by their local social services. That’s despite 5.6 billion pounds – 40% of local authority spending on social care – being spent on people with learning disabilities and autism.

The BBC’s Jeremy Cooke has been to meet one family who feel completely failed by the health and social care system.

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2 comments on “Autistic teen posts video about struggles with system – BBC
  1. Paul D says:

    Very upsetting clearly an intelligent conscientious young man who took his own life. Sadly this corrupt government is just the political arm of the vested interests that fund it. There will be further decline, and the latest ‘strategy’ just another consultation exercise with no real substance behind it. East Cheshire mental healthcare has been decimated, I was lucky enough to get some counselling last year and I needed it, but it was via a private organisation, seeking profit, from my mental health problems. Be strong people, and hopefully the tide will turn against this government, and some people who actually care will take control. Eternally grateful to Linda and ASD and my GP for adult diagnosis 5 years ago, which I doubt would be budgeted for in 2021.

  2. Helen Jones says:

    It breaks my heart to hear Will’s story; and very sadly, I am not surprised. The state/ government/ health service have been catastrophically failing people from all walks of life who through no fault of there own, fall into the deepest pit of mental ill health. So little is understood and so much damage is done by drugs and “therapies” that cause even more problems and torture because they are not suitable/compatible with a neuro diverse brain.
    The system doesn’t change. It’s ancient and cruel.
    Axia is a rarity, a blessing and a saviour.

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