“DRACULA UNTOLD” If someone asked me to name what I thought was the greatest work of fiction, I think off the top of my head I would probably say it was Dracula. Bram Stoker created one of the greatest villains…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
“DRACULA UNTOLD” If someone asked me to name what I thought was the greatest work of fiction, I think off the top of my head I would probably say it was Dracula. Bram Stoker created one of the greatest villains…
“PRIDE” When I started the Axia Film Society I knew I was going to end up seeing a lot of films that I wouldn’t normally see. Pride definitely fits that category, although in a sense it doesn’t. I wouldn’t not…
“LUCY” Yes guys it’s finally true I am reviewing a movie for the site that isn’t based on a comic and it was done as a request when i first started setting up the page. I must admit I had…
“Guardians of the Galaxy” This is the final of the Marvel movies coming out this year and to be fair this has been a very good year for Marvel movies, especially considering last year where all the films kind of…
SIN CITY 2:A Dame to Kill For Now I came into this movie having watched the previous Sin City movie the week before and I wasn’t that much of a fan of it. Yes as much as I praise the…
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