December “Virtual PDSG” Invitation

Axia ASD started our PDSGs over 5 years ago as a support group specifically for adults who had been diagnosed by Axia. Over recent months, we have been recording the presentations which would have been given at our regular Post-Diagnostic Support Group meetings, and then uploaded them to YouTube.

Our PDSG scheduled for 9th December from Noon until 2.00pm (our usual meeting time), will be a little different, in that we intend to broadcast it live via video conference! The session will cover:

  • A summary of topics discussed at this year’s “Axia Away Day” including some exciting projects…
  • The Nerd consultant’s Gift Guide – and what to expect in the January Sales!

Both sections will be followed by a Q&A, where you will be given the opportunity to ask questions on what is being discussed.

An Invitation

If you are interested in participating, and would like to attend the event virtually, please send an email to which includes your name (or the name of the person that was assessed by us) and date of birth. We will then contact you with a guide to the session and a link to attend. We look forward to seeing you, and would suggest you BYOC – Bring Your Own Cake 🎂🍰!

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4 comments on “December “Virtual PDSG” Invitation
  1. Senor says:

    Will the PDSG be available as a presentation for later viewing, or will it only be live? I’m just thinking aloud here that some participants might not all wish to have their faces captured for a presentation that can be viewed later by just clicking a hyperlink. I reckon just a live invited meeting would be fine.

    What platform are you going to use? I’ve recently used ZOOM meetings to very good effect. But if it is not ZOOM, you might want to give us a few clues if we need to prepare some different software or Apps.

    This sounds like another good move in these very uncertain times.

    • Dream says:

      Hi Senor,

      all very good questions. We are HOPING to record the presentation so that it can be edited and uploaded to YouTube (as previous presentations have been), however we won’t know until after the event what has recorded, and what the quality is like.

      If we do manage to record the session, it would be the presentations that we’d be focusing on, so I wouldn’t expect there to be a lot of video of the attendees, but if anyone specifically does not want to be viewed during the question and answer session then please mention it and I can do something to edit them out.

      As far as the platform, we are currently experimenting with a couple, hence not giving specific details, but we are intending to send out instructions to those requesting to participate as soon as we’ve finalised everything. We wanted to give people as much advance notice of the event as possible, so the invite went out as early as we could.

      Thanks again Senor, hope you can make it 🙂

  2. Senor says:

    Well, it is interesting to know there will be pre-prepared presentations. I suppose some participant audio might be included, as in previous PDSGs. Not a problem for me I think. Whatever platform you eventually decide on, I reckon that I might just stick to the ID I use here (Senor) And then perhaps assume that individual faces probably won’t be used too often, for simplicity’s sake. Obviously other participants might get to see each other’s faces, but from previous experience of such platforms that probably won’t worry me too much.

    I should be able to make it; and will probably also review any recordings just to pick up some extra points.

  3. Reece Imiolek says:

    Can’t wait to see and hear from the Axia family and everyone else considering how long it’s been since the last Post Diagnosis Support Group.

    I hope everyone is excited to hear from the leader of the Anime Amigos Calvin Atkinson, with his guide for Gift Guide for the January Sales.

    Let’s just hope he stays on topic this time

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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