NHSE 10 Year planning update

Learning disability and autism – 10 year planning update


Another update from NHS England now the Long Term Plan is published

We are sending you this as you registered for one of the sessions with NHS England on the long term plan development

Below is a message from them. Learning Disability England has done its own response and is working with our members to share more ideas. Find out more on that here.

NHS England’s message

All the materials are here, including the short film by Ray James and Aaron Oxford to explain what it means for people with a learning disability, autism or both and their families and carers. An easy read version of the plan is in production.

For autistic people and people with a learning disability the plan includes:

  • Investment in community support so that by 2023/24 every local health system would have a seven day specialist multidisciplinary service and crisis care to support people in their communities.
  • Implementing in full ‘Building the Right Support’: by March 2023/24, inpatient provision will have reduced to less than half of 2015 levels.
  • Over the next three years, waiting times for autism diagnosis will be included alongside work with children and young people’s mental health services to test and implement the most effective ways to reduce waiting times for specialist services.
  • Children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated keyworker.
  • The STOMP programme – a national project involving different organisations to stop the over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both – will continue to expand.
  • Every person with a learning disability, autism or both will have a digital flag in their patient record to ensure staff have a better understanding of their needs.
  • Eyesight, hearing and dental services for children will be invested in and included in reviews as part of general screening services and supported by easily accessible, ongoing care.
  • Over the next five years NHS Improvement learning disability improvement standards will be implemented and will apply to all services funded by the NHS.
  • The NHS will continue to offer more work opportunities to people with a learning disability and autistic people.

We truly appreciate your time and effort invested to participate in this important work.

With kind regards,

Samantha Clark

Mariana Ortiz
Events & Training
Phone: 02036 171 842
Learning Disability England

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