Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – August 2018

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Thirty Second
Post-Diagnostic Support Group
29th August 2018

Today’s group was attended by 27 people and 1 Autism dog.

Unfortunately, despite Dreams best attempts, as soon as Linda put the microphone in her pocket, it would have appeared to have dislodged the connection, and so there is not an audio recording of the question and answer session.

We moved into the break and as usual there were two wonderful cakes. Cake of the Month is Goblin Shortbread from the world of warcraft cookbook Over the break people borrowed books and DVD’s, got their Autism Alert cards, and signed up for Calvin’s’ long awaited ‘Nerd Consultants Guide to Anime’ which we think will provide a very useful Christmas present, although we all felt it was far too early to be talking about Christmas.

After the break we moved to the section called ‘The Future’ and we are hopeful that the fact NHS England have listed Autism in their top 4 priorities for the next 10 years will improve the lives for individuals.

Amy has very kindly agreed to try and sort a Christmas event, which we are trying to link with the December group, she will come back in October with some options for people to choose.

We spoke about the open room, an informal get together at Red Hill House where people can get together and play board games and generally hang out.

We also spoke about the fact that when Hannah Williamson, who was a trainee with us, comes back as a full-time employee, we are hoping to offer a number of workshops and training events at Red Hill House.

The Autism Hour which is detailed on our website was also mentioned as was the North Wales conference which we urge as many people as possible to attend.

We finished with thanking Ronnie for being the speaker at our next Post-Diagnostic Support Group session which is on
Wednesday 17 October 2018 at 12.00pm.

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One comment on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – August 2018
  1. Ronnie Hunt says:

    I think the Christmas Dinner would be best on a different day to the December Meeting. It’s not an ideal time to have a meal, although the meeting ends at 2pm it may be getting closer to 3pm and especially as the Talk is about i think Nutrition if I’m wrong about the Title it’s something to do about eating. And it would spoil the Christmas Dinner.

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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