Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – October

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the seventh Post-Diagnostic Support Group
21st October 2015

Today’s group was attended by 23 people.

Items discussed were:

Our Conference is fast approaching and Carly explained to the group that places do need to be booked and paid for prior to the day. People cannot just turn up to attend the conference and will not be allowed entry unless prior booking and payment has been made.

Linda discussed with the group if they could recommend any books regarding unwritten social rules. Calvin found some books available on Amazon to order and provided details of these to the group.

Linda then went on to show the group books that Axia ASD Ltd have recently purchased and reviewed. These were then given to Autism Inclusive for people to read. Detail were also given about an Autism and Aging Project detailed within an edition of Asperger United where people are invited to participate.

Linda then asked the group if they had any contributions to make. Megan advised the group of her recent involvement with Ambitious About Autism . Neil then spoke about a trek he is doing of the Great Wall of China to raise funds for the National Autistic Society. Further details of this will follow on our website shortly (Update: available here).

Elspeth Bromiley of Ancora Therapy Services then joined the group to discuss our main topic which was co-producing a package of post-diagnostic support. There were four main items discussed during this:

  1. What does the diagnosis mean to you?
  2. What does the diagnosis mean to your family/close friends?
  3. How to manage anxiety and stress
  4. Practical things to help

Members of the group were then invited to provide their comments on flipcharts around the room and these were then discussed.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and the definition of this was discussed within the group.

Els will draw up the discussion and will follow on our website shortly. Many of the items discussed today will also be discussed at our forthcoming conference.

Date and times were given to the group of our next monthly support group which is due to take place on Wednesday 25 November 2015 between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. The topic of this group will be Coping with Christmas.

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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