Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – October 2018

Meeting-minutes-pictureMinutes of the Thirty Third
Post-Diagnostic Support Group
17th October 2018

Today’s group was attended by 45 people and a Therapy Dog.

The meeting was opened by Sarah Hendrickx who introduced the other members of the Axia team who were present, and proceeded to describe the “Winter Program” we have planned.
One of our group members, Ronnie, then gave a talk, which will be available on our website in the next few days. (Edit: Available here.)
Linda alerted the group to recent news items and encouraged the group to subscribe to our monthly newsletter and join our FB Page so they were kept up to date.
We were joined by colleagues from SEATT and The Bren Project

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3 comments on “Post-Diagnostic Support Group Minutes – October 2018
  1. Ronnie Hunt says:

    Why–s there not a written report on my Talk. I didn’t mean for it to be just on audio. I am not listening to the audio not that there is anything wrong with the audio, am perfectly to have an audio and I gave Dream permission to use the audio with everything I said to be included. But I am not listening to the audio as I have no wish to listen to the Sound of my own voice and there will no doubt be many others who would prefer to read a report as normally happens after a Talk is given. I also raised some relevant Concerns I don’t mean about myself, but concerns making sure they were in an impartial manne.
    So publish in writing about my Talk please. There is plenty of Impartial Material.

  2. Ronnie Hunt says:

    I gave my Talk in the expection there would be a report on my Talk, not just for Dream to record and of course I hope the Talk has been edited on the recording which I forgot to mention.
    It wasn’t easy giving the Talk in the Lifestyle Centre with the Close Proximity of the Audience, and there is a lot of relevant Topics I managed to cover as well as my Cancer including Homelessness etc.
    Having given the Talk especially in far from ideal settings. It’s the least that can be done as a matter of Courtesy to do a report on my Talk.

    • Dream says:

      Hi Ronnie,

      I didn’t think there was anything in your talk which needed editing, so apart from inserting the photo of your mask around 8 minutes in, all I did was take out a couple of the longer gaps.

      What you are calling a “report” is just the “minutes” of the meeting. As far as I know, nobody was available to take minutes on this occasion, so it’s not being discourteous, it’s just how it turned out.

      I’m sure it wasn’t easy giving the talk Ronnie, but I think everyone found it interesting, and it is available in full for people to listen to again.

      All the best,

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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