Axia Weekly Bulletin – 13th November

Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work. 

We would like to remind everyone who has upcoming appointments with us that we are still able to conduct face to face assessments. Red Hill House have confirmed that the building will remain open. 

All staff and visitors are required to wear masks in the communal areas of the building, unless exempt. We are still observing the Social Distancing rule of 2 metres and have hand sanitiser available in all of our clinic rooms and offices, in addition to those positioned around the building. Visitors are reminded to keep themselves and others safe by using the hand sanitiser provided before entering and leaving the building. Our clinic rooms allow the space for Social Distancing of 2 metres so families and individuals can remove their masks, if wearing, once inside the room should they feel more comfortable in doing so.

We would like to say a big welcome to a new member of the Admin Team: Carly Daltrey, who has made an excellent start! Look out for a new face on our ‘Meet the Team’ page.

This week we posted two updates from the ‘National Autistic Society’: ‘Autism Practice: The Impact of coronavirus’ and ‘Latest News and events’. Remember, you can always find out more about how to support the invaluable work of this charity by visiting their website:

Calvin has been busy writing reviews this week, posting a game review of ‘Amnesia: Rebirth’. Whilst the cinemas are closed, he will be keeping The Film Society alive with ‘The Animation World Cup’. A fantastic idea! This week you can read ‘Round one’.

Calvin and Ren streamed, as usual, this week, continuing with ‘The Last of Us: Part II’ on Tuesday. They finished ‘Crash Bandicoot 4’ last week and they will be playing ‘Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout’ tonight at 7:30pm. This is a one off stream while they wait to find out ‘The Game Award Nominees’ on Wednesday.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Sue Power
Company Secretary and Educational Lead

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One comment on “Axia Weekly Bulletin – 13th November
  1. Senor says:

    A couple of interesting podcast interviews on this link. I think it is important to say here that there seems to be a great deal of current uncertainty about the intersection of AD(H)D and ASD,but I don’t necessarily see any contradiction in that:

    I’ve seen quite a few Youtube presentations on the views of Dr. Russell Barkley on ADHD; but as an older person, I’m a bit concerned about his heavy emphasis on medication. This podcast appears to advocate a more nuanced approach.I’m a bit inclined to purchase the book mentioned in the podcast, so perhaps a review might be possible

    QUOTE: Four years ago, the broadcaster Adrian Chiles went to see a psychiatrist specialising in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who concluded he probably had ADD – ADHD without the hyperactivity aspect. But it was only when he read a book about the condition three years later, and recognised so much of his behaviour on the pages – the inability to focus, the surges of adrenaline, the procrastination – that he went and got an official diagnosis. Chiles talks to Anushka Asthana about the impact the diagnosis has had on his life, and how it has made him reevaluate aspects of it.

    Asthana also talks to Prof Susan Young, an expert in ADHD, which is defined as a clinically distinct neurobiological condition that is caused by an imbalance of chemicals affecting specific parts of the brain responsible for behaviour. She discusses how it manifests differently in children to adults, ways it can be treated and why it is so over-represented in the prison population.

    The book Chiles mentions is Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward Hallowell and John Ratey. :UNQUOTE

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