Axia Weekly Bulletin – 4th September

Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work.

Wednesday should have been our Post Diagnostic Support Group in Crewe, however, Dream posted our latest digital offering in its place. This was introduced by one of the newest members of the team, Kieran, who explained details of our new services and Sheffield base, followed by a presentation from Ren on the subject of ‘Autistic adults in acute mental healthcare environments: what quality improvements can be made? Insights from the literature.’ This was an excellent presentation and can be viewed here.

Last week, Linda’s posted a book review of ‘Spectrum Women – Autism and Parenting’ by Renata Jurkevythz, Maura Campbell and Lisa Morgan. This is one of the first review we have published for a while and makes for an interesting read.

This week we posted details of the South Yorkshire Autism Fayre 2020 which is to be held digitally this year. We also posted ‘NAS Watch our update on our supermarket campaign live’ which hopefully some of you managed to see yesterday. We also shared an article from ‘Mental Health Today: Rural Poverty’.

Calvin has been busy this week with game reviews. This week he summed up the pros and cons of ‘Spiritfarer’, as well as ‘Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered’.

The Film Society is back this week with Calvin’s review of ‘Tenet’. He is at the cinema today to see ‘New Mutants’ which is X-Men spin off in a universe that doesn’t even exist anymore, so look out for his thoughts on that this time next week.

Calvin and Ren streamed as usual on Tuesday. The game is still the ‘The Last of Us Part 2’ and will be the same for a while. Apparently, they have only just got to Seattle. They will also be streaming again later at 7:30pm: ‘Final Fantasy IX’ Calvin informs me they are coming towards the end of disk 3 so they should be done by the end of September!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Sue Power
Company Secretary and Educational Lead

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