“47 METRES DOWN” Yes, I am aware it was meant to be Valerian, but I was counting on the preview screenings to get their review out and my area didn’t get them which meant I am not able to get…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
“47 METRES DOWN” Yes, I am aware it was meant to be Valerian, but I was counting on the preview screenings to get their review out and my area didn’t get them which meant I am not able to get…
“DUNKIRK” Dunkirk is a film I’ve been really interested to see, ever since the trailer emerged around Christmas time last year. It’s the latest film to be written and directed by Christopher Nolan, who I’ve talked about in the past.…
“WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES” Okay, fair warning here; it’s literally impossible to talk about this movie without giving away the ending of its predecessor – so, apologies, but this review will contain spoilers for both Rise of…
There has been a delay in Calvin’s review of “Planet of the Apes”. Also, mini reviews of Despicable Me 3, Boy and the Beast and Baby Driver. The review will be posted as soon as possible. This was due to…
“SPIDERMAN HOMECOMING” Now I may have mentioned in the past several times that I am much more a DC fan than a Marvel fan. This probably because I was brought up with DC franchises like, Superman, Batman and Justice League,…
“IN THIS CORNER OF THE WORLD” One of a trilogy of Anime films in recent memory that have come to cinema, soon to be a quad trilogy with the release of The Boy and the Beast today. It really feels…
“TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT” Apologies if this is a short review, but I really don’t have much to say at all!! Seriously, we are five movies in at this point, five movies in. I’ve explained why I don’t like the…
Anime Amigo’s Vlog ep4: Best of Winter 2017 Here’s our 4th Anime vlog Hosted by Nerd Consultant Calvin and Reece Imiolek along with Ren Bromiley and Elliot Chapman on the subject of their best anime of the Spring 2017…
The Anime Amigos vlog due to take place on Wednesday 28 June is now starting at 1pm, an hour earlier than previously advertised. At the following address: Red Hill House Hope Street Chester CH4 8BU Calvin – Nerd Consultant Share…
“THE MUMMY” Ok, Let’s talk about the Universal Monsters. I really enjoy the Universal monster movies. From the 1930’s onwards, Universal made some really cool, fun films. Sure, they don’t tend to match their books, but then again they weren’t…
“TEEN TITANS: THE JUDAS CONTRACT” By the way, before I go any further, SPOILER WARNING for the ending of Justice League versus Teen Titans, which I reviewed last year, though I will not give any spoilers away for this film.…
“WONDER WOMAN” Wonder Woman is definitely one of the most recognised Superheroes in the world. Part of the DC Trinity, along with Superman and Batman and was even last years, bone idley made a National ambassador for feminism for the…
June Anime Amigos vlog (best of spring 2017) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on June 28th our consultant Calvin with co host Reece, along with returners Ren and Elliot will be discussing our thoughts on the best of…
Here’s our third Anime vlog Hosted by Nerd Consultant Calvin and Reece Imiolek along with Ren Bromiley and Elliot Chapman on the subject of their thoughts on Moblie Suit Gundam Also here’s the links to Crunchyroll’s pages of all…
“PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES” Ok before we go any further I already explained last week but I refuse to call this film by its international title (Salazar’s revenge). I love the first pirates of the…
“KING ARTHUR LEGEND OF THE SWORD” This was a major Blockbuster that got announced, but it wasn’t really on my radar. I only found much out about it after I asked a lot of my friends what films they were…
May Anime Amigos vlog (Mobile Suit Gundam) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on May 31st our consultant Calvin with co host Reece, along with returners Ren and Elliot will be discussing our thoughts on all things Gundam as…
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