Trials of Mana Remake (available for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC) (Nintendo Switch version used for review) Back at E3 last year during the main Nintendo Direct it was announced Square-Enix was releasing a full blown remake of Trials…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
Trials of Mana Remake (available for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC) (Nintendo Switch version used for review) Back at E3 last year during the main Nintendo Direct it was announced Square-Enix was releasing a full blown remake of Trials…
Final Fantasy 7 Remake (available for PlayStation 4 only) It’s finally been released. In usual Square-Enix fashion it was revealed to be in development in 2015 before getting released in 2020. Square-Enix really is a company that are really good…
Wonderful 101 remastered (available for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC) (Nintendo Switch version used for review) Platinum games have finally managed to bring over their Wii U classic to new systems so that it’s on a console that’s owned…
If you’ve read my reviews for quite some time, you’ll know one of the things that really annoys me about a film is when there’s a great idea there and it gets screwed up immensely. It’s something I really cannot…
Doom Eternal (available on PlayStation 4, X Box One, Google Stadia and PC) (Nintendo Switch version in development) (PlayStation 4 version used for Review) During one of the worst E3 press conferences in 2019 Bethesda redeemed themselves with an excellent…
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (available on X Box One and PC) (PC version used for Review) Ori and the Blind Forest has been a game I played through rather recently picking up the game in a Nintendo…
Well, since I did the good films by bad directors list last week, I felt it was only appropriate to move on and do the opposite in the following week. Same rules apply. One film per director, and once again,…
Streets of Rage 4 (Available on PlayStation 4, X Box One, Nintendo Switch and PC) (Nintendo Switch version used for review) So right after Sega announced a remake of Panzer Dragoon it was announced at an Nintendo indie showcase…
Panzer Dragoon Remake (available for Nitendo Switch only for now) (PC, Xbox One and Google Stadia versions are currently being developed) During the Nintendo direct at E3 which was June last year a trailer was played showing a full remake…
Animal Crossing New Horizons (available on Nintendo Switch only) With it now being just over a month since I got Animal Crossing on release day I think I can safely give my opinion on the game and what it’s like…
Persona 5: Royal (Available on PlayStation 4 only) There was no game I was more excited about getting in 2020 than Persona 5 Royal. Persona 5 was my game of the year and like with Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5…
Resident Evil 3 Remake (available for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One) (version used for review PlayStation 4) After my game of the year last year was the excellent Resident Evil 2 remake i was excited to learn of the Resident…
People that have read my reviews for quite some time probably go in with the impression that I pre-judge a film based on who’s directing it, and whilst that is certainly a factor that’s almost impossible to get away from,…
Watchmen vs The Dark Knight Returns I decided this week that I’d take a break from countdowns to talk about a couple of films and put them against one another to see which one I thought was best, and the…
Top 10 Films that Deviated from the Book (But Turned Out Great!) I’ve heard a lot of people say lines like “the book’s always better” or that a film adaptation of a book is awful because they changed too much.…
This one’s been something that’s been on my mind for a while. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended a movie to someone, they’re completely interested in parts of it and then the second I mention it’s either…
Top 10 Worst Videogame Films It feels like nowadays we’re living in a resurgence of videogame films. I have a theory that this is down to the fact that the majority of film directors that are making these adaptations now…
Top 10 Best Picture Nominees from 2010 to 2020 (That Didn’t Win) I have a weird fascination with the Oscars. I know it’s descended to a complete joke, but it doesn’t change the fact that despite they devolved…
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