“PIXELS” I like video games, I don’t like Adam Sandler. What happens when you put those two together? That’s what I was about to find out!! To be honest with you, I do have a complete contempt for Adam Sandler,…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
“PIXELS” I like video games, I don’t like Adam Sandler. What happens when you put those two together? That’s what I was about to find out!! To be honest with you, I do have a complete contempt for Adam Sandler,…
“FANTASTIC FOUR (2015)” Ok confession time I may be comic fan and really like superheroes but I’m not a big fan of the Fantastic Four, they’re just not really characters that appeal to me too much though do have some…
“INSIDE OUT” Inside Out marks the return of Pixar to our screens for the first time in a while with a brand new film. This is an original film written and directed once again by Pixar’s long time employee Peter…
“ANT-MAN” This is the final film in Marvel’s second phase of movies and the twelfth film in the overall continuity of Cinematic Universe and to be honest, the only thoughts on going in to see this were ‘why has it…
“SONG OF THE SEA” Tom Moore has finally returned with his latest film, if you don’t know who Tom Moore is, he previously directed ‘The Secret of Kells’, which was his debut film and one of my personal favourite animation…
“TERMINATOR GENISYS” Man it was great to see that Terminator was coming back, especially after the misery of suffering through Terminator Salvation and anyone who follows my twitter feed knows that I was very excited to see it after James…
“NORTHMEN: A VIKING SAGA” Well this my first attempt at doing a very European film. Northmen: A Viking Saga is the latest film from the Swiss Director Claudio Fah who has previously directed the Billy Zane disaster Sniper Reloaded. I…
“JURASSIC WORLD” Did you ever end up with one franchise they you kept going back to and stayed with you from a young age, well for me that was Jurassic Park, I love the original movie, in fact I would…
“SPY” Paul Feig returns after a small absence with his next comedy, having previously directed Bridesmaids and The Heat. The thing about Bridesmaids and The Heat were that they are pretty good comedies, but they were hardly ground breaking, they…
“TOMORROWLAND” Director Brad Bird is back with Disney’s next attempt to turn one of their Theme Park Attractions into a movie franchise. The previous attempts being the successful Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and The Haunted Mansion that got one…
“POLTERGEIST (2015)” The review Axia’s P.A Carly has been waiting for is finally here. Poltergeist is the latest of a series of classic horror movies that have gained re-makes, and let’s face it they haven’t really been successful. Probably there…
“MAD MAX: FURY ROAD” Mad Max finally returns along with it’s director George Miller after 30 staggering years. Believe me I really have to wonder why it’s taken 30 years for another entry in the franchise, especially considering I would…
“HARLOCK SPACE PIRATE” Or “Space Pirate Captain Harlock” as it is known in its native Japan and in the United States. Now I’ve heard of this character, despite the fact he hasn’t been been as well distributed in a lot…
“UNFRIENDED” Yes, I have a certain disdain for found footage, I definitely don’t like sub-genre, in fact I’m growing to really despise it, but the studios love them because you don’t need to hire any major actors to play any…
“AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON” I don’t think there is a film I have been more looking forward to seeing this year. I love the original Avengers film, in fact it’s probably by favourite Superhero Movie and in my Top Ten…
“BATMAN VS ROBIN” Well this is a first for me! I always knew I was going to review all 3 of DC’s animated movies that come out this year but I never expected to be doing this! I am virtually…
“JOHN WICK” Yes, I’m surprised that this film has taken this long to come out too. John Wick was a film that was heavily promoted in the States and on the Internet in October 2014 for it’s US release and…
“FAST AND FURIOUS 7” Yeah I’m not really a fan of these movies. Even the first one which is probably the best I would argue is a bit over-rated but the least I would say is a lot of the…
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