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This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.

Ocean’s Eight – Review

“OCEAN’S EIGHT” ‘Ocean’s Eight’ is the latest entry in the Ocean’s franchise, which has been rather dormant since ‘Ocean’s Thirteen’. Personally, I didn’t see a reason to continue the franchise since the Ocean’s films have been going downhill and I’ve

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Hereditary – Review

“HEREDITARY” Hereditary comes to us at really a time when horror films are very much a mixed bag. We still get a tonne of really bad ones out every year, but at the same time there has been some great

Posted in Anime and Gaming

July 2018 Anime Amigos Vlog Announcement

June/July Anime Amigos vlog (best and worst of Spring 2018) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on July 4th our consultant Calvin along with Reece, Elliot and Ren will be discussing thoughts on the best anime of the Spring

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – Review

“JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM” So here we are three years after we got Jurassic World. Jurassic World was advertised the hell out of and was really heavily promoted given that it had been several years since another one of these

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Voldemort: Origins of The Heir – Review

“VOLDEMORT: ORIGINS OF THE HEIR” OK, there was nothing I wanted to see at the cinema last week, so I decided I would do something that I have wanted to do for a while now, review a fan film. Fan

Posted in Anime and Gaming

SOLO: A Star Wars Story – Review

“SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY” When it comes to the Star Wars we are now beginning to see much more of an expanded Universe emerging with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are two things I want to say about

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Anime Amigos Vlog 15

Anime Amigos Vlog Ep 15: Fullmetal Alchemist Netflix what went wrong we discus our late thoughts on what we thought about FMA Netflix and where it went wrong as well as our thoughts on Pokemon Let’s Go Trailer and the

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Deadpool 2 – Review

“DEADPOOL 2” Deadpool 2 is now one of the biggest follow ups to a superhero movie considering how high grossing the first one was, and it left a lot for people to want more. Deadpool is worldwide the highest grossing

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Anime Amigos is on Facebook

  We’re the Anime Amigos, a group of amataeur anime reviewers, chatting certified nonsense. From left to right, we are Reece, Renwick, Calvin and Elliot. Anime Amigos is on Facebook. To connect with Anime Amigos, log in to Facebook. Share

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Sherlock Gnomes – Review

“SHERLOCK GNOMES” OK, you guys all know that this film is not that good, so you won’t be surprised that this is a shorter than usual review. Sherlock Gnomes is a follow-up to Gnomeo and Juliet, a film that I

Posted in Anime and Gaming

May 2018 Anime Amigos Vlog Announcement

May Anime Amigos vlog (Netflix Live action FullMetal Alchemist) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be the amigos will be discussing there thoughts on netflix Full Metal Alchemist May 30th at 2 PM (possibly 1:30 if one member can be

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

The Strangers: Prey At Night – Review

“THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT” OK, who actually remembers The Strangers? I barely knew about this film, in fact I actually watched the first film two days prior to seeing this one. The Strangers is one of those films that

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Avengers Infinity War – Review

“AVENGERS INFINITY WAR” Avengers Infinity War is the culmination of ten years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so may films leading to this one, each one bigging up a different Infinity Stone. Now, Weedon was meant to be directing this

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay – Review

SUICIDE SQUAD: HELL TO PAY The next entry in the DC Animated movies and the next entry in the DC Animated Universe, which it feels like we have been quite a while since we last went back, the last one

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Anime Amigos Vlog 14

Anime Amigos Vlog Ep 14: Ready Player One & Mary and the Witches Flower review     1:44 our early Spring recommendations 16:24 our thoughts on Ready Player one (non spoilers) 21:44 our thoughts on Ready Player one (spoilers) 32:17

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Rampage – Review

“RAMPAGE” Here’s what you need to know about Rampage. It was an arcade game from way back and with very little plot, which was to be expected in those days, you weren’t playing a video game for the plot, you

Posted in Anime and Gaming

April Anime Amigos Vlog Announcement

April 2018 Anime Amigos vlog (Ready Player One & Mary and The Witches Flower) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be the amigos will be discussing his thoughts on Ready Player One and Mary and The Witches Flower April 18th

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

A Quiet Place – Review

“A QUIET PLACE” A quiet place is the directorial debut of John Krasinki who also co-wrote the story. The film is a very interesting concept which the trailers hooked me on, certainly more than the Death Wish re-make which also

Posted in Anime and Gaming
The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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