‘Hi all, We would like to announce our 1st “Axia Film Society Open Room” for 2018. This will be Wednesday 3rd January from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. We’ll provide snacks and games, so if you would like to hang out…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
‘Hi all, We would like to announce our 1st “Axia Film Society Open Room” for 2018. This will be Wednesday 3rd January from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. We’ll provide snacks and games, so if you would like to hang out…
“THE DARK, NETFLIX 2017” The isolated German town of Winden is home to many mysteries, it would seem. Alleged disappearances and abductions seem to plague the community – understandable, given the vast sea of woodland that surrounds it; these things…
“STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI” Yes, apologies for this review being later than expected, this was down to a few circumstances that were a bit out of my control. Star Wars The Last Jedi is the eight entry now in…
Anime Amigos Vlog Ep 10: Best of Fall 2017 Here’s our 10th Anime vlog Hosted by Nerd Consultant Calvin and Reece Imiolek along with Ren Bromiley and Elliot Chapman on the subject of their best anime of the Fall 2017…
Calvin & Ren Review: Star Wars The Last Jedi We finally get a chance to review the long awaited 8th episode of Star Wars Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share This Post:
“THE DISASTER ARTIST” Ever heard of a little film from 2003 called The Room, you probably have because it’s probably the most infamous bad film ever made. It probably would have faded into obscurity had it not been for the…
“THE MAN WHO INVENTED CHRISTMAS” There are very few times when I go and see a film and I have actually read the book, as anyone who regularly reads my reviews is very much well aware of. Once example where…
“THE BOY AND THE BEAST” The Boy and the Beast is a film I have wanted to talk about for quite some time, but have only just found an opportunity to do so. The film was released in Japan back…
Anime Amigos Vlog Ep 9: Pokemon: I choose You Review & Loot Anime November 2017 Unboxing We give our thoughts on the 20th anniversary movie for Pokemon Anime and i finally do a loot Anime Unboxing 2:38 Loot Anime…
“JUSTICE LEAGUE” No joke, I am a huge Justice League fan, or at least I was with the animated series. If anyone actually asked me now what would be in your ten favourite TV shows, Justice league would be on…
‘Hi all, We are going to start running an open room on Wednesdays, 12:30 – 15:30, for playing board games, card games, and just for anybody over the age of 18 that would like to come along and hang out.…
Calvin & Ren Review: Justice League just in time for the release of Doomsday Clock we have our review of Justice League Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share This Post:
December Anime Amigos vlog (best of Fall 2017) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on December 6th our consultant Calvin will be discussing his thoughts on the best anime of the summer season in order to pick our anime…
November Anime Amigos vlog (Pokemon I Choose You Review) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be Calvin, Reece, Ren and Elliot reviewing Pokemon I Choose You November 29th at 11 AM the following address: Red Hill House Hope Street Chester…
“PADDINGTON 2” Ok, let’s start off by saying that I am very happy that this just has a number 2 at the end of it. I am getting fed up with sequels having to have weird unnecessary sub-titles to cover…
“MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (2017)” What can I say about Murder on the Orient Express that hasn’t already been said, it is one of the very definitions of a classic murder mystery. Agatha Christie’s has gone down in history…
Calvin & Ren Review: Thor: Ragnarok We come back with our review of the final film in the Thor trilogy Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share This Post:
Anime Amigos Vlog Ep 8: One Punch Man vs My Hero Academia Season 1 We’re finally back with our thoughts on which was Better One Punch Man season 1 or My Hero Academia season 1 It’s not quite what…
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