Why Can’t I Just Enjoy Things?: A Comedian’s Guide to Autism Hardcover – 18 July 2024 by Pierre Novellie Having had the pleasure of attending the Axia PDSG when Pierre was guest speaker, I had looked forward to reading his…
This is Axia-ASD Limited’s section for reviews on books they have read (both themselves and others), and wish to share their views with you. Disclaimer
Why Can’t I Just Enjoy Things?: A Comedian’s Guide to Autism Hardcover – 18 July 2024 by Pierre Novellie Having had the pleasure of attending the Axia PDSG when Pierre was guest speaker, I had looked forward to reading his…
Paws For Assistance by Lynne Jones ISBN-13: 979-8878420365 I was delighted to be asked to review this book and then the enormity of the task hit me. How on Earth can I do this book and it’s author, justice? There…
This is not a book review, because Linda wrote a wonderful review which made me curious to read Steph Jones’s book; “The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy” and I want to strongly recommend it. As someone very late diagnosed (at…
Book Review of “The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy” by Steph Jones, Forewords by Tony Attwood and Sarah Hendrickx Publishers: Jessica Kingsley Publishers I’m delighted to announce that I’ve just received a copy of ‘The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy’…
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age All of Sarah’s books are a ‘must read’, however if you’re autistic, care about someone with Autism or involved in the diagnosis…
“What Works for Autistic Adults” by Dr. Luke Beardon Published by Sheldon Press I feel I should declare a bias before starting this review. I have met Luke on a number of occasions, and some of these meetings have had…
Strong Female Character by Fern Brady Published by Octopus Books ISBN 978-1-914240-44-7 You may have heard the name Fern Brady, or may have come across her on several TV programmes. She’s very likeable and quick witted. Her book is for…
What I mean when I say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz. Published by Neurobeautiful. Receiving the request to read this book created by an Autistic individual can only be described as a delightful read and truly a love letter to…
Book Review of “Championing Your Autistic Teen at Secondary School: Getting the Best from Mainstream Settings” By Debby Elley and Gareth D. Morewood Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers I was delighted to receive a copy of this book in the…
Book Review of “Spectrum Women – Autism and Parenting” By Renata Jurkevythz, Maura Campbell and Lisa Morgan Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers You may have noticed that we have not reviewed any books for a considerably long time. It is…
Book Review of “How Can I Remember All That?” by Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway, illustrated by David O’Connell Publishers: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Dr Tracy Packiam Alloway is an award-winning psychologist, professor, author and TEDx speaker. She navigates through over…
Book Review of “Autism: How to raise a happy Autistic child” By Jessie Hewitson Foreword by the charity Ambitious About Autism Publisher: The Orion Publishing Group I was delighted to come into work today and find this book on…
Book Review of “WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND AUTISM HIT PUBERTY: A PARENTS Q & A GUIDE TO HEALTH, SEXUALITY AND RELATIONSHIPS” By Freddie Jackson Brown and Sarah Brown Foreword by: Michael Barton Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers…
Book Review of “HALL OF MIRRORS: CHARDS OF CLARITY.” Autism Neuroscience and finding of self By Phoebe Coldwell Publisher: Pavilion Publishing Many of you will know of Phoebe Coldwell’s work which spans over forty years. She marries together neuroscience…
I have just received a copy of the following book: “Special Needs and Legal Entitlement” The Essential Guide to getting out of the Maze by Melinda Nettleton and John Friel Jessica Kingsley Publishers Both Melinda and John have an…
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