Axia Weekly Bulletin – 4th December

Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work.

We would like to remind everyone who has upcoming appointments with us that we are still able to conduct face to face assessments.

All staff and visitors are required to wear masks in the communal areas of the building, unless exempt. We are still observing the Social Distancing rule of 2 metres and have hand sanitiser available in all of our clinic rooms and offices, in addition to those positioned around the building. Visitors are reminded to keep themselves and others safe by using the hand sanitiser provided before entering and leaving the building. Our clinic rooms allow the space for Social Distancing of 2 metres so families and individuals can remove their masks, if wearing, once inside the room should they feel more comfortable in doing so.

Last Friday, BBC North West Tonight aired a feature about the impact of Lockdown on individuals and families who have been unable to access services during this time. However, some organisations have been working hard to keep people connected and engaged; the programme highlighted the ’Music Makers’ project, which is just one of the fantastic provisions offered by ‘Emerge Community Arts. Amazing work and dedication to helping others from Anna, Jamie and the rest of their team.

Evie shared an article with us about ‘Tom Stoltman’ who is the first ever Autistic ‘World’s Strongest Man’. He also happens to be Scottish, so Evie was quite proud to share the news!

We also posted an article from the ‘National Autistic Society: Autism in the Workplace’ which had some disappointing statistics about the number of working age autistic people who are in employment. If you would like to support this vital charity then you can find out more about how to get involved on their website.

Another article posted was ‘Mental Health Today Update – December – Understanding the Image – collective trauma and the psychological impact of racism’ which discusses some important issues.

A big thank you to Dream for posting his ‘Message about the December PDSG’ which is a fantastic explanation of what you can expect from the new virtual format being tested out this month. I know everyone involved has been working really hard over the past few weeks to get the whole thing up and running so I hope lots of you can get involved.

Calvin has been busy working on reviews this week. On Monday he posted his thoughts on ‘Pikmin 3 Deluxe’ and ‘Spider-Man Miles Morales’. Today you can read ‘The Animation World Cup Finals’ which has been an interesting read whilst the cinemas have been closed.

Calvin and Ren streamed as usual this week. The game was ‘The Last of Us Part 2’ on Tuesday. They will be streaming again later at 7:30pm, continuing with ‘Doom Eternal’.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Sue Power
Company Secretary and Educational Lead

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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