“BELLE” Belle is the latest film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda, of whose works I have written about extensively in my book and I’ve even covered two of his films on this site, most notably The Boy and the…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
“BELLE” Belle is the latest film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda, of whose works I have written about extensively in my book and I’ve even covered two of his films on this site, most notably The Boy and the…
“SING 2” Sing 2 is the latest sequel to one of Illumination’s productions. When I reviewed ‘Sing’ I never left that film thinking ‘that needs a sequel’. I know a lot of animated films are getting them now but Sing…
“THE BATMAN” The Batman is directed by Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves, and is now the fourth time we’ve had a Batman reboot. I think the whole concept of Batman bears no introduction, but it’s very clear that…
Horizon Forbidden West (Available for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4) (PS5 version used for both reviews) Horizon: Forbidden West is the long awaited sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn, one of the smash hits of the PS4 back in 2017 which…
“DEATH ON THE NILE (2022)” Death on the Nile is the second in a recent series of adaptations of Agatha Christie novels that have been directed by Kenneth Branagh, who also stars in the leading role of Hercule Poirot. And…
“UNCHARTED (2022)” Uncharted is a new movie that is in the initiative that Sony is putting out to make films based on their PlayStation franchises. This is most evident from the fact that the opening sequence features a ‘PlayStation Productions’…
Pokémon Legends Arceus (Available for Nintendo Switch only) Much like before I’ll state for the record that the three reviewers that played this game all picked a different starter. Reece chose Cyndaquil, Elliot picked Rowlett and I took Oshawott. Now,…
I just wanted to let people know that I’m still continuing to visit the cinema and review films, and these will be posted on the website soon. Calvin – Nerd Consultant Share This Post:
“SCREAM (2022)” The problem with doing these reviews is I’m often dancing around spoilers, so as a result I’m kind of put in a position where I can’t talk about everything I want to talk about, so you probably would…
“THE 355” Look, I don’t want to spend too long on this film because frankly, The 355 is rubbish. One of the first films to come out in 2022, releasing the weekend after New Year’s weekend, it’s arrived in dumping…
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation: Code Fairy (Available on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4) (PlayStation 5 version used for review) For the ease of this review I will be referring to this game as only “Code Fairy” and not it’s…
Halo Infinite (Available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC) (Xbox Series X|S version used for review) Halo Infinite was supposed to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X and S, however after large concerns over the…
“SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME” Spider-Man: No Way Home is the third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to feature the character front and center, and is once again directed by John Watts. At one point it looked like it was…
“WEST SIDE STORY” Steven Spielberg has spent years trying to get a remake of West Side Story off the ground, and I’ve somehow seen this on his IMDB page every time I’m looking up a film that he’s directed which…
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Available on Nintendo Switch only) For the record, all 3 reviewers picked a different starter, Reece had Turtwig, Elliot picked Chimchar and I took Piplup. I’ve been a huge Pokémon fan for years and…
“Looking For Magical DoReMi” Yes, this is how I used my weekend: I went to see an Anime movie about an Anime franchise I barely watched because by the time it came to the UK I was really not the…
“HOUSE OF GUCCI” House of Gucci is a biopic directed by Ridley Scott. It is based on a book written by Sara Gay Forden, detailing the internal politics that created a major shift at one of the biggest fashion brands…
“GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE” Ghostbusters: Afterlife is the newest entry in the franchise, and unlike the 2016 film which attempted to be a reboot for the franchise, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, was set to be a continuation and would act as a tribute to…
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